It's Okay (Druig)

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Trigger Warning - Anxiety attack, Abuse

663 Words


There we all were, The Eternals. We were all having dinner it was lovely we were all chatting about our day. Then Sprite clearly remembered something 'Oh' She said swallowing her mouthful before speaking again. 'Yn I ran into someone who said he knew you' I gave her a questioning look and nodded for her to continue, As I was curious to who she met. 'His name was Jake, He said you dated back on earth' My face fell immediately when his name was mentioned. I started getting flashbacks of him screaming at me, Hitting me and Throwing me into walls. My breathing became hitched and it quickened. I tried to steady my breathing but it didn't work. I quickly got up and left the room, All the flashbacks bringing tears to my eyes. 

I ran into the bathroom and let the tears fall. My breathing was still fast and erratic but i couldn't stop it. Images of him Screaming at me. Telling me I'm a 'Useless, Unloved piece of shit no one would ever waste there time on' Memories of him throwing me onto the ground, And pinning my arms beside my waist while punching and hitting me repeatably.

 'Why are you still here Yn'  

'I hate you Yn'

'Can you please be useful just once in your life'

'Seriously Yn just go-'

All the flashbacks got interrupted by someone knocking on the door. 'Yn it's just me I promise, I need to know if you're okay?' Druig said in a very calm voice, He was the only person i told about Jake. And as much as i didn't want him to see me cry, I knew I needed someone so I stood up and opened the door. Druig looked at me with a worried expression when he heard my fast breathing and saw my red teary eyes he wrapped me in his arms. Pulling me close to his chest, He layed his head on top of mine and rubbed circles on my back. I gripped onto his shirt crying. He moved one of his hands from my back to my head holding it gently against his chest.

'It's Okay, I promise. Let it all out, I'm here for you, And I always will be.' he whispered. I smiled at his calm words. 'It's okay, Everything's okay, You're safe, I'm here, I've got you' He repeated calming words to me until my breathing finally came to a normal speed. 

'Thank you' I mumbled into his shirt pulling away from the hug. He slipped his hands into mine and gave them a squeeze. I kept my head down low, Because I knew my eyes would be puffy. 'Can you please look at me darling' He asked, I smiled at the nickname and looked up at him. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and they gave me reassurance. 'I'm so sorry, I didn't know sprite was going to mention him' he said 'If I knew were that conversation was going I would have stopped it' He squeezed my hands once more.

'Thank you' I said once again. He nodded, Smiled and pulled me closer to him. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and whispered 'Of course my love'. I looked up at him and placed a kiss on his lips his hand moving from mine to my face, Cupping each cheek and my hands moved up around his neck pulling his head slightly closer to mine to deepen the kiss. We broke the kiss and pushed our foreheads together ' I love you, So much Yn. And i'm so upset you went through all of that. But i swear on my life I will never ever do that, Nor will I let that happen.' I smiled at how beautiful and amazing he was. 

'I love you to'

Sorry this one was short. And i'm also sorry I haven't been posting i lost my charger but i finally found it

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