Come eat with me (Barry)

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Trigger Warning - Eating  disorder, Peer pressure (sort of), Starvation, Fear of eating

Words - 1012


We were in the middle of a scene, I was so hungry I wanted to eat but the producers have told me i'm not allowed to eat, Because they didn't want me to gain any weight. it's been four days and I am absolutely starving, I was starting to feel really dizzy. 

'Yn are you okay?' Barry asked, signaling to stop filming. 'I feel really dizzy' I whispered very drowsily. 'Here let me walk you back to your trailer' Barry jogged over to me and wrapped his arm around me helping me stand and walk. I tripped over, But Barry caught me. He stood me up straight and steadied me before wrapping his arms around my shoulders helping me walk again 'Your okay Yn, Okay were nearly there' He reassured me. 

Once we got back to my trailer he sat me down on my bed and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, before getting up and going into the kitchen. I still felt super dizzy and so so hungry but I couldn't disappoint the producers I mean its there movie. Barry came back in with a glass of water and an apple. He handed me the glass of water and I gladly accepted taking a big sip. But when he handed me the apple, I refused. 

'YN trust me food will help' He said. I shook my head, Witch made the dizziness so much 'I can't' I told him. He looked at me confused 'What do you mean you can't, You love apples' He questioned concern written all over his face. 'I can't eat they told me I can't' His face dropped the second I said that. He moved to sit next to me, He wrapped his arms around my shoulders again but this time he pulled me towards him so I was leaning my head on his shoulder. 'Yn can you tell me who told you, That you can't eat' He said very calmly but I could tell by his body language he was pissed.

'Just some of the crew, They didn't want me to gain any weight and ruin the movie' His eyes looked so sad,  'How long since you've eaten' He whispered moving my head from his shoulder so he could cup my face. I looked down at the floor, Not wanting to make eye contact with him. 'Four days' I whispered and his face dropped he looked so disappointed but not in me, In himself. He gently pulled my head up to meet my eyes once again. 'Come on were going somewhere' He smiled and stood up. Taking my hands in his to help me stand.

We got in his car and started driving after about 10 minutes of silence. I finally spoke up 'Were are we going'?, He smiled and looked at me, 'You'll see' I laughed and just admired all the beautiful trees and scenery we had driven past. I didn't even realize we pulled in somewhere until Barry nudged me.

'What would you like?' He asked I looked at him confused, Until i looked behind him and realized we were in the McDonalds drive through. 'Barry I can't' I looked at him sadly knowing the producers would not approve of our little trip. 'Yes you can, I won't tell anyone. And i'll eat with you one bite at a time. I don't care how much or little you eat as long as you get something in you, Now please tell me what you'd like.' He smiled at me and gave me a reassuring nod. 'Can I get the chicken nuggets?' I asked and his face lit up, Happy to see I was going to eat. 'Of course you can gorgeous, Would you like anything else' I shook my head no, I expected a look of disappointment, But there was none he was still smiling.

After we ordered Barry pulled into a spot right near the beach so we had the beautiful view of all the waves. I opened my nuggets and Barry opened his burger. 'I'll eat with you, One bite at a time. And if you want to stop or need to take a break thats fine just tell me' I nodded and took a bite of my nugget and he took a bite of his burger. He smiled at me and told me 'Yes good job yn, I'm so proud of you' I smiled at his kind words. 

'You ready to take another bite?' He questioned and I nodded. I took a bite of my nugget and he did the same to his burger. We did this a few more times until I had finished my nuggets. When he saw that I was done. He had the biggest smile on his face. he engulfed me in a hug, 'I'm so proud of Yn' 'Thank you, Barry I couldn't do this without you. Honestly' I whispered. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face once again.

'I'm going to have a talk with the producers. What there making you do is so so wrong and I will not accept that sort of behavior,' I gave him a small smile and a quiet 'Thank you' Before looking back out to the ocean. I smiled to myself thinking about how lucky I am to have someone like Barry in my life, Someone who doesn't just listen to my problems, But helped me with them. Someone who doesn't just stand up for me but encourages me to do things I didn't think I could do. Someone who doesn't judge me, But accepts and loves all my flaws. Despite the awful situation I am in, I truly am so grateful and lucky to have such a beautiful man in my life.

AN - Sorry for all the mistakes its currently 2am, Lmao. I hope you have a good day!! And i hope anyone who struggles with eating can come look back on this.

I love you all so much, Thank you for reading!! Please request. I need ideas lol

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