Fluff Alphabet (Barry)

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Warnings- None i Dont think just pure fluff.

words - 1063

please enjoy!!

A) Activity's -  Barry loves just chilling with you, He loves winding down and watching a movie with you, Or just simple things like baking, Taking Koda for a walk, Going to gym anything like that he loves,

B) Beauty -  Barry thinks you have the most beautiful smile. And he always reminds you, If you laugh or smile at something he will always make a cute comment like 'There's that gorgeous smile' or 'Your so beautiful when you smile yn'

C) Comfort - If you were feeling stressed Barry will always take you away from the situation or place that's making you feel anxious. He would always find a quiet place to sit down and talk. He would sit there and let you talk out your emotions while holding your hand.

D) Dreams - Barry pictures himself marrying you one day and starting a family with you. He really like the idea of fostering children because of his upbringing so he sees you guys having a beautiful family with all your fostered or adopted children.

E) Equal - Barry and you both agree that you are the one who wears the pants in the relationship. He is such a big sortie and has trouble making decisions so you always end up helping him with that. But with saying that you both treat each other equally 

F) Fight - You and Barry don't fight very often, But when you do, You guys never stay mad at each other for too long and always make up easily. He usually buys you flowers or something he know will cheer you up and you always cook him dinner or lunch to apologize.  

G) Gratitude - Barry is very grateful to have such an amazing girl like you in his life. And he always reminds you of that. Weather its him telling you himself or him buying you a thank you gift. He always reminds you.

H) honesty - Barry is very honest with you, He shares his thoughts and emotions with you all the time. Sometimes he hides away from you when hes feeling upset but he is usually very open and honest about how he feels.

I) Inspiration - Barry is a big inspiration in your life. With everything he has been through as a child and as an adult. For example the death or his mother, And constantly rotating through foster homes. You think it is extraordinary that he is the amazing and happy Barry you know today. 

J) Jealousy - There is a lot of trust in yours and Barry's relationship. He trusts that you wouldn't cheat on him but that doesn't mean he ' get a bit jealous if a guy is looking at you.

K) Kiss - Barry is a very good kisser. He loves to kiss your cheek when you're walking, or when you're talking in a group. He never lets an opportunity to kiss your cheek go. And you love it.

M) Marriage - Barry can see himself marrying you and always dream of the day he'll 'pop the question'. But neither of you are in a big hurry to get married and have kids.

N) Nicknames - Barry calls you Gorgeous, But sometimes he calls you 'A Sto'r', Witch is Irish slang for 'My Treasure'. You call him 'A mhuirni'n' witch means 'my love' in Ireland, That was one of the first things he taught you in Irish slang and it is one of the few you remembered.

O) On cloud nine - It is very obvious that Barry is head over heels for you. Everyone says he has a certain look that he gives you that just 'screams love' apparently. You don't see it but you think its funny when people say it.

P) PDA - Barry loves PDA, He loves showing that world that your his girl. He will hold your hand in public, He always has his arm around you to really show the world that your his.

Q) Quirks - One of Barrys favorite things about you is how quirky you are. He loves how passionate you get about things he says that is his favorite quirk of yours.

R) Romance - Barry is pretty romantic he loves taking you out for dates, Dinner dates are his favorite he loves eating. So to be able to just sit down with his favorite person and eat means a lot to him.

S) Support - Barry is so supportive of you, He will help you achieve anything you want to do. And you do the same for him. You are very supportive of his acting and come to every possible event to show it.

T) Thrill - obviously you both like doing and trying new things together but neither of you feel the need that you have to. You are both perfectly happy to just stay home and chill rather then go out and do something.

U) Understanding - Barry is very understanding, He always lets you talk out your emotions and always understands what your feeling. He has kept notes on things that trigger your anxiety and things that help it so whenever you feel anxious or stressed he knows exactly what to do.

V) Value -  Both you and Barry value your relationship a lot. You both put in a lot of effort and it pays off because you very rarely fight or argue and when you do you know neither of you meant what you said.

W) Wild Card - He loves holding your hand. He will hold it at night when your in bed. He'll hold it when your eating dinner. Anytime really he just loves the way your hand perfectly fits inside his.

X) XOXO - Like i've mentioned Barry loves to kiss you on the cheek. He also loves you hug you. When you guys cuddle he is always the big spoon, He doesn't like being the little spoon.

Y) Yearning - Barry misses you a lot when hes away or when your not here with him. He always calls and texts you because he says he'll go insane if he doesnt.

Z) Zeal - Barry will do ANYTHING for you Anything. And he would also do anything for your relationship because the last thing he wants is to loose you.

Hope you enjoyed!

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