[20. love]

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Majority of the guests had gone home, all apart from the twins and Nat - both of which were offered and accepted to spend the night instead of travelling in the dark (not to mention they were close enough to stay, no objections from anyone else).

Now, sitting outside on one of the steps leading up to the house, it was just you and the sky. Looking up to the weirdly clear sky, you wrapped the blanket on your shoulders around you further. Sure, there wasn't much pollution out where you lived, but it was technically still winter regardless.

Either way, despite the weather, it was still breathtaking outside. Maybe it was something about the greenery? Possibly something more about the building itself, barn door swinging with a groan in the breeze.

Whatever had entranced you so dearly about this exact spot, overviewing the acreage, it was a feeling that would never leave. The feeling of an almost freedom.

This was your spot. Your favourite one, at that.

Pietro's jacket was still clad around you. To be completely honest, you were pretty surprised no one like Nat or Wanda had clocked that when you first came through the doors. Then again, they probably did but just decided to not say anything of it.

"Out here all alone?"

You'd know that voice anywhere. Still, you kept your eyes on the horizon ahead as you spoke,

"Nope, waiting for someone."

Turning to face Pietro fully, you said the words you had wanted to since your first ever proper interaction,

"You're late."

"Ha-ha." He laughed sarcastically, taking a seat next to you on the steps.

You brushed the hair out of his eyes and forehead, pulling the strands back to look at him clearer. You hadn't realised that blue could be such hot fire until you saw those eyes.

"Congratulations, by the way."

"Thank you."

There was a pause; comfortable silence flooding you both as you took in the tranquil moment, your hand remaining it's continuous combing of his hair back.

"Todays been... eventful. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that earlier. You probably don't feel the same way, and that's okay. I suppose you've got enough to deal with than me just-"

As he spoke, you let your hand trail down to cup his jaw, just as he had done to you earlier. Pulling him closer, you reassured Pietro by connecting your lips once more.

"For a guy as cocky as you, you don't seem all that... bright?"

He laughed against you, sending vibrations throughout your whole body, "shut up, Barton."

Neither of you had pulled back, only far enough to get the words out, mouths still brushing against one another and noses pressed together.

Leaning in even more than before, Pietro deepened the kiss.

"Seriously? Again?"

this is not so bad || P. MAXIMOFFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant