[7. owe you]

628 22 20

today was an absolute mess so it's bad


you said bye to wanda (and all that shit you do after a conversation with someone you'd just met because you have to be nice) then headed to where clint spent majority of his day.

the floor he worked on was mainly offices and mission planning. pretty much a free-for-all area of work, if that makes any sense at all.

looking around the place in search of pietro, you ended up finding coulson instead.

"hey, barton, how's your tr-"

"hey, you know where maximoff is?" you felt bad for cutting him off but you promised yourself you'd have a proper conversation with him later to make up for it.

"uh-planning room c i believe?"


thanking him quickly, you turned down the hall.

room a

what would pietro even say. he's met you, what, once? aside from the time you attacked him (which was completely understandable why you did-)

room b

he has all the right to hate you, and he probably does. if you knew sokovian, you might have some kind of idea at just how much he hated you from when he was speaking it the day previous.

if only you knew what he said.

room c

well fuck.

the rooms here had glass walls and were completely clear. it was a lot like where you worked with bruce, but these rooms had a long table in each one that went down the middle of the room and small parts off to the side where people could sit down and or get coffee (which clint probably requested to be a feature).

it was hard to avoid looking inside the room considering there was literally no other option.

pietro was sat at the end of the huge table with his legs stretched out and his arms spread behind his head (which looked super attractive since his muscles were showing-).

you were just able to see your dad at the far end of the room. obviously he was drinking coffee again. what else would he do.

thor was leaning against one of the side tables at the right corner of the room to the wall nearest the door. he noticed you standing outside and waved really enthusiastically. like, if actions had volume he would've waved really really loudly (if that makes sense).

you exhaled thoroughly in preparation.

what was the worst that could happen?

actually, it's best not to say that in a wattpad story because it means that the worst of the worst happens-

as soon as you were turning the handle on the door you realised it was too late to turn back.

this is not so bad || P. MAXIMOFFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt