[14. passed]

449 19 4

sorry i haven't been posting:(
UNEDITED. i'll read through soon.
very predictable-i need to get this story moving somehow


working with bruce was probably one of your favourite parts of the day. not only was he such a calming person, but he was just genuinely such a nice person to talk to - you truly felt (and knew) you could tell or ask him anything.

and now that bruce had a huge weight lifted off his shoulders knowing that someone he was close with knew about his relationship with a particular god - he was a lot more at ease.

but most of the things he was saying were just going in one ear and out the other.

of course, you loved listening to bruce, and it was nothing to do with him at all. it was more the fact you couldn't help thinking about just about anything and everything; particularly the information wanda had just informed you on. not to mention clint was running out of coffee, you had quite literally had a fucking dream about none other than pietro maximoff (shocker), bruce is actually dating thor - expected but astonishing nonetheless and you needed to ask carol about wanda's schedule so you could take the quickest route to meet up with her instead of going around the whole building (carol and wanda were in the same sector so carol was wanda's version of your maria).

regardless, you couldn't help feeling bad for not paying attention to bruce.

that's when you realised something,


banner was apart of shield's management and surveying team, meaning he was a massive part of each meeting that he attended - this meaning that he would've been with fury when they were discussing the end of your (and wanda's and pietro's) training.

"hey, bruce?"

he turned towards you, taking off his glasses, indicating you had his complete and utter attention.

one part of you was hesitant but the other was desperate for any form of answer, the latter took over, "do you know what happens at the end of our training?"

bruce fell silent, his head examining the floor beneath his feet and his hands playing with an atom model, twirling around the silicone electrons.

the abrupt silence gave you a chance to take in the space around you, which you had yet to do for a while.

bruce had (seemingly) taken down a vast majority of the science-related 'posters' and had, instead, replaced them with more tactical information, which may be useful in life or death situations (how to recognise and distinguish a venomous bite; rapid bleeding treatments; how oranges get their colour - that one was pretty random but somewhat intriguing). the glass wall had black blinds either rolled up to the top or pulled all the way down, which may have been there before but you'd never seen or realised. then there were the recent models and prototypes he had brought in and spread around the room, adding to the very 'bruce' atmosphere.

your sight had just started to drift over the various equations and drafts spread out across one of the cluttered tables against the far wall, installed right under a 'phases of H2O' diagram, when bruce spoke once more.

this is not so bad || P. MAXIMOFFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin