[15. assigned]

420 18 14

im alive btw - (unedited)


maria and fury led you down and through the planning and settlement corridor. the walk there was, again, in silence. there was about one or two times when you had attempted to pry out of them what is going on, but they brushed off the possible questions to the point you decided to just let everything play out instead.

after a few more uncomfortable moments, you came to a stop outside one of the few grouping rooms. alike all the others, it was a thick, light brown-wooded door with an opaque glassed window near the top, a typically normal design.

maria turned the handle, unlocking the door, and stood next to it with her arms crossed.

"you want me to open it?" to say the gesture confused you was an understatement, but you did so anyways once she gave you what seemed to be a half-nod.

once you saw what was inside, you pretended the room was completely vacant for a couple moments, deciding to take in what furnished the space instead.

unfortunately, there wasn't much to occupy your sight on.

there was, however, a long table right in the centre (like the one where clint 'worked'). there were long windows that ran across the top of the walls - almost on the ceiling. towards the back of the room had a worktop pressed up against the far wall.

tony stark was sitting right on top of it.

"take a seat." fury spoke - to some degree - quietly, but still with the familiar ordering tone acting like a permanent under-layer to his voice.

you did as such, choosing probably the only other person in the room you got along with: wanda. she was seated at the end of the huge table with her legs slightly jittery under it. a wave of guilt washed over you, feeling like you didn't do a great job trying to ease her through all this.

"i didn't know it would be this soon." you muttered to her.

she let out a half-hearted chuckle, murmuring back to you, "that's what pietro said."

at the mention of her brother, you glanced over to him. a typical, characteristic tracksuit that draped his legs, which were thrown over the table. his hair was, as always, in tousled curls. there wasn't much time to admire him, however, considering he was staring right at you when you had looked over to him. pietro's eyes  stated fixed on you, not diverting his vision once. you almost immediately turned away. now was not the time.

"we'll be alright." you slumped as far as you could in the chair before maria would give you a posture lecture, meaning there was just enough room so at least your legs could be comfortable.

"what are you doing?" at her words, you looked up at wanda to see her smiling down at you, both confused and intrigued. at least you were able to distract her a bit?

"i have a feeling we're going to be here a while."


"remind me to never underestimate your 'feelings' again." wanda sighed.

it was probably the most stressful hour or so of your life, and not even because it was pressuring itself - just sitting there in anticipation was agitating enough.

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