My Little Love is a Weed

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I like this stupid little weed
Growing as tall as my dead tree.
Cracked in half with a friend and
Wrapped thickly 'round her knee.

They say I should remove you,
Plant someone "better" in your place
A lemon or lime,
with winter blooms at the base.

But I can't bring myself to do it,
Not just yet.
Pry apart your fresh roots,
With what's dry and remissed.

I think I want to be you.
You bloom with every sunrise
And when the light wanes
You close and wait through the night.

I want your resilience
I haven't watered you in weeks,
Yet you release tiny seeds
To float off and do your misdeeds.

I sit next to you and write,
Sunshine on my toes
As you peek over my shoulder
Curious 'bout my prose.

I told you before,
How I hoped you'd be a sunflower.
Though your stem's just as mighty,
Your blooms aren't so loud.

But still, little suns,
You open up every day.
Small, clustered, and modest,
Like speckled nights on display.

The truth is
I've grown quite fond of your presence.
How you even found me,
Defies obsolescence.

You must've flown,
Climbed up through the sky
To my second story balcony,
Seems what's grounded can fly.

So if you found your way
Through desert skies,
Without some one's care,
Bloom in without's spite,

Maybe I can, too.

Even though I feel more like my Moxy.
Poor dear out of place,
And cracked down her seem,
Dried out with our last break.

Separate but equal,
Split up just the same.
How we weren't meant for bending
When our constructs' to blame.

With buried hearts underneath,
Rotting soil, empty veins,
And dried little buds
Closed tight in their vain.

Never meant to open?
How I believed that they could,
Even when it was me
that did damn them to snapped wood.

Dried them out with neglect
Or too much sun in their bed,
Overwatered at times
Without drainage instead.

So she slowly died,
Though I loved the damn thing.
We tried to move her inside,
But two buckled under her weight.

I carried on,
Watered what was long dead.
Caring for the lost,
Accepting loss was exempt.

But how funny it was!
You'll laugh when you hear-
When I tried to move her to save her,
They broke her supportive spear.

In my mover's dismay,
He tried to put her trunk back together.
Bound with duck tape,
His senses unmeasured.

These men don't understand
How we grow,
How we die,
How we need more than tape
And support beams and ties.

But I chose laughter instead-
They all do what they can,
To feel more important
And needed by woed man.

He asked what you were,
The one I still tried to save.
I still didn't know,
But I loved you the same.

With your buds starting to grow
And your pot deep in tow,
Taking over my heart
As you took over her home.

And speckling my lawn,
More kind of like you.
What man would kill,
And pluck or remove.

But I'll keep my weeds,
Little stars in my eyes.
As they teach me to grow
Despite death at my side.


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