Come What May

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All of my friends that remain
Are come what mays.

Just to be loved,
And to love in return.

Seasons may change,
Winter to spring,

And still we give
Each other everything.

So I don't need the one
Above all the rest,

But if I chose...
What a perfect grace.

There would've been
no mountain too high,
Nor river to wide;

But my past informed me,
If so shall be and so believed,
that's where you'll reside.

Suddenly my life
Doesn't seem such a waste,

For my love said I tried.
And how they were proud,
And how I collide.

And if they've known me
In all my stages,

And we still love
Through all our changes,

And still I can hang onto
These come what mays

So shall I go?
In all my love used,

With these greatest things
That's ever learned:
Just to love
And be loved in return.


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