Winchester's - 6

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"Look, he won't listen to us." Dean huffed. "Just go in there and work your charm."

"You're pimping me out?"

"Wow," Sam chuckled. "When you put it like that. . ."

You smacked his arm. "This is serious! I don't ever flirt with anyone except you two, and that's never trying to get anywhere with it."

"Well, this time you're trying to get somewhere." Dean paused, frowning. "Well, not technically, just information. Don't go anywhere with him."

You rolled your eyes. "Okay, Dad."

"Just go in, do a whole sexy-FBI-agent thing and get the information, Y/N." Dean made a shooing motion. "You got this."

"Dean, you could at least make that sound a little less pornographic." Sam mumbled, opening his door and stepping out.

You grumbled, taking Sam's out-stretched hand to help you from the car.  Sam gave you a gentle squeeze on the shoulder and you turned around, leaning down to see Dean in the car. "What if it doesn't work? What if he arrested me for undermining a police officer?"

"Jesus, Y/N, don't grope him or anything and you'll be fine." Dean laughed.

"I don't want to go alone."

"Going with one of us kind of defeats the purpose of you going at all." Sam added from behind you. 

You stood up straight, glaring at him. "Can you not like, let me be on the phone or something? I don't want anything to go wrong. . . Plus, you're relying on my memory to tell you all what he says."

"Shit," Dean mumbled and sighed, but dug into his pocket and tossed you an earbud. "Hook that up to your phone and stick it in your ear. Sam and I will be right here."


Dean made a face. "What? Yes, I promise."

"Pinkie promise?" You  pushed as you stuck the earbud in your ear.

"Y/N! Yes, I pinkie promise. Now, get your ass in there."

You grinned and leaned inside, kissing him on the cheek before heading towards the entrance of the county sheriff's department. 


"Anyone in here?" You asked, knocking twice on the door before softly pushing it open.

Sheriff Maddock sat at his desk, leaned over it with his hands buried in his black hair and eyes focused on the papers strewn over his desk. His face had a slight hint of hair, probably having gone two or three days without a shave and his green eyes were a little bloodshot when he looked up at you.

"Who are you?" He questioned, voice husky with what you assumed to be exhaustion.

"Agent Ringer. I came in with Agent Chor and Smith." You smiled sweetly, stopping in front of his desk. "I came in to ask some questions, if that's all right with you."

"Like I told your partners, ain't nothing here for you." He grumbled, looking back to his papers.

"With all due respect Sheriff Maddock, you look like shit." You grinned when his head snapped up to glare at you.

"Dammit Y/N." Sam fussed in your ear. 

"Little less bratty." Dean grunted.

"Excuse me?" Sheriff Maddock was not amused.

"You look like you haven't slept in days, probably haven't eaten a real meal in that time either. Hell, I'll be willing to bet that you haven't even been home." You walked around to his side of the desk, leaning your hips against the edge before sliding yourself up to sit there. "Why don't you take a load off."

"You're a federal agent." He shook his head. "Are they just hiring anyone?"

"You could use a drink, Sheriff." You suggested. "Why don't we go get one?"

"I can't." He snapped, gesturing to the papers you were almost sitting on. "I have things to be doing here. And it's only six o' clock."

You rested your leg against his, running your foot up his calf and his gaze dropped to watch a moment before traveling up the length of you to meet your gaze. "One drink. Off the clock."

Sheriff Maddock sighed, dropping his head. He stayed like that a moment before lifting it back to look at you. "I'll walk you to my car."

"I'll be the drinks." 

Sam and Dean muttered their approval in your ear and you couldn't help the grin on your face that Sheriff Maddock no doubt thought was because of his approval to go.

You hopped from his desk and watched as he stood as well, pulling the keys from his pocket. You glanced over the papers on his desk while following, but he was moving too fast for you to get a good look at anything. 

You followed him out to his car, and when he crossed in front of the car from opening the door for you, you quickly did a thumbs up to Sam and Dean.

"We'll follow behind." Dean spoke in your ear. "We won't be going in since he knows us now."

"All right." You replied to Dean as Sheriff Maddock climbed in and glanced at you curiously. "Let's go have a beer, Sheriff."


You sat with Sheriff Maddock for almost two hours before he started revealing any information. The more suddle grazes of your leg against his and gentle brushes on your arm and hand, the more he opened up. Once he started spilling the beans, you started to check the time.

After another hour, you didn't think you were going to get any more out of it and decided to give in for the night. You slid off your bar drool and smiled when he looked at you questioning.

"Well, Sheriff, it looks to be getting late." He slid off his own stool, nodding a little. "Maybe you should turn in."

"Maybe. Hey," He offered you his hand. "Would you like to join me?"

You couldn't help the blush that rose to your face, especially when you could hear Sam and Dean laughing in your ear.

"Maybe next time, Sheriff. Perhaps when we're both completely sober." You pat his shoulder and he frowned a little but nodded.

"Do you need a ride?" He offered.

You shook your head. "No. I can call my boys."

"Your boys?" He questioned and you slowly nodded, not catching your mistake. "You're their boss?"

"Well," You started, hearing Dean muttering no. "Yes, I am."

"I thought you said partners."

"Actually," You corrected. "You said partners. I just didn't correct you."

He nodded again. "Well, I guess I'll see you around Agent Ringer."

"Yes, you will."

You watched as he walked out the door, not moving from your spot by the bar until you saw his car start and him beginning pulling away. You walked outside, spotting the Impala parked in the back corner, hurrying toward it.

Sam stepped out once you got close enough, letting you slide in between him and his brother.

Dean grinned at you. "Well, I think it's safe to say you did good."

"Good?" You scoffed. "He wanted to take me home, I think that's better than good."

Sam laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "You did great. Just next time, don't take so long."

"Right." Dean agreed. "I'm starving now!"

"Oh whatever," You rolled your eyes. "Let's get back to the motel. We can order take-out."

Dean smirked. "Sir, yes, sir."

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