First day at school (edited)

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"Y/n wake up!!" "You are going to be late for school". you openend your eyes and saw Derek standing by your window opening your curtains.
You flinched at the bright light off the sun. "come on!! I'm not gonna wait any longer" you heard Derek say as he walked out your room.
You got out of bed and got dressed (you can wear something you like).

You ran downstairs and shoved an sandwich in your mouth,outside Derek was waiting in the car.

You got in and he drove you to school.
Once you were there you waited in the principals office, a teacher came in and gave you all the information you needed. Your locker number, your books, time table and your school pas for the library. The teacher showed you to your first class.

You enterd the classroom and everyone looked at you. "Hello you must be y/n u can take a seat next to Liam" coach said. You went to sit next to Liam, "hey I'm Liam, your the new girl right?" He asked. "Yep that's me I guess I'm y/n, y/n hale" you said with a friendly smile on your face. "Hale as in Derek and Peter hale?" Liam asked kind of suprised. "Yeah you know them?" You asked. "Yes I do they are I guess friends of my friends" Liam answered. "HALE AND DUNBAR" coach yelled. "Yes?" You guys said, "SHUT UP!!" coach yelled. "Yes sir" you guys said at the same time trying not to laugh. "Good now I can continue with my lesson" coach said annoyed and turned to the board.

Skip to lunch time sorry I'm lazy.

you were looking around trying to find an Table to sit by. "Y/n over here" you looked around and saw Liam waving at you. You walked to the table and sat down. "Y/n these are my friends mason, corey, and haiden".
"Nice to meet you guys" you said.
You guys were eating,chatting and laughing with eachother. When a group of kids came to your table, they were maybe 1 or 2 years older then you. "Hey Liam who is this" a boy with brown messy hair asked. "Oh this is y/n she is new in beacon hills, y/n this is Scott, lydia, stiles, and Kira" Liam said. "Nice to meet you" you said while trying to remember all the names. "I see Liam has a lot of friends" you said while taking a sip of water. You guys talked until the bell rang and you went to your next class. You had math with mason and neither of you payed any attention. You just talked with eachother and passed notes around.

(Skip to after school I'm still lazy)

You were walking to the parking lot where Derek was waiting for you.
"Ok I have to go now see you tomorrow liam" "bye y/n" liam said. But you did not hear him anymore bc Derek already drove off the second you got in the car.
"How was school y/n?" He asked "I see you met liam one thing u must know about him he is Scott his beta". "School was ok and I know he is a his beta I met the entire pack today". "Oh god" Derek said. I just laughed at his reaction. But when he gave me a Death Stare i stopped and quickly look away.

Liam Dunbar x reader (teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now