"Just look at him, he's so cute." Juvia said as she scanned pictures on her camera. Her head was rested on Gray's chest as they both scanned.

"Yeah, he is." Gray said as he caressed his son's hair on Juvia's chest. "We really made an adorable child, didn't we?"

"Gray!" Juvia slapped his arm lightly. Gray laughed at him.

"What?" He asked while laughing. "Shh...you'll wake up Xander."

"It's your fault!" Juvia said not too loud but irritation and embarrassment could hear in her voice.

"No, it isn't. I was just stating facts. He had my hair, nose, and lips while he got your eyes, its color and maybe some habits." He explained, smiling at her.

Juvia didn't argue with that. It was true anyway. "He got your charm too."

Gray grinned. "Really? What charm?"

Juvia nodded and giggled. "The charm you always used to me. Xander is sweet. You are sweet."

Gray blushed with what Juvia said. Then, he wrapped his arms around her as they both lay on the park. "You really think I'm sweet?"

Juvia looked up to Gray. Their gazes met. "Yes. You won't surprise me before if you weren't that sweet."

Gray remembered the past. The surprise he had given her, which she rejected. Juvia bit her lip and regret what she had said. She looked down and they both fell silent. "I'm sorry."

"Shh..." Gray hushed. "I'm done with sorry, Juvia."

"I shouldn't have said that." Juvia said.

Gray holds her arms tight. "It's okay, Juvia. At least, you've remember. It means it's real. It means it did happen."

"I just really felt bad."

"Don't be. We're together now, okay?" He kissed her hair as she nodded.


They both fell silent after that. It was a comfortable one. The weight of Juvia's head on Gray's chest didn't matter. He didn't matter as long as he has her and his son. He looked back few years ago with what happened with him after Juvia left. He was a wreck. He got drunk, got into fights then made his self busy. He wanted to move on, from Juvia and from all the heartaches. Remembering those days as he felt Juvia's warmth and seeing his son was already nothing to him. I don't care about the past as long as I have here my future. And it's happening now.

He heard Juvia's light breathing against his chest. He moved a little,trying not to wake up Juvia and Xander. He looked down and saw her sleeping. The sight of Xander on Juvia's chest is even breath-taking for him. It is really intimate. He kissed her hair then he put his hand on his son's hair.

He felt home. This is his family.

"What the fuck?"

Gray's thought was interrupted when he heard a familiar male voice cursing. He frowned, knowing that Juvia and Xander might wake up.

"Gray?" The guy looked down to see him. He saw an orange hair as the guy went down to see him. He rolled his eyes. Fuck it! He cursed.

"Be quiet!" He whispered as he put his finger on his mouth. He is irritated. "What the hell are you doing here, Loke?"

Loke was still surprised seeing Gray like this. Loke knows that Gray doesn't go to parks but when he saw him lying on the grass with some girl, he went over to where he thought Gray was. And he wasn't wrong. It was Gray!

That fucker! He had already move on from Juvia? And what the fuck is that? A child? Loke thought.

"Can you wait for a sec, babe?" Loke asked the girl beside him. Loke just met the girl as we all know; Loke is big player and a jerk.

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