chapter 3

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Next day 

You reached the palace with an already annoyed mood. Taeha tagged along with you again as she wanted to be with you today, today was her birthday. 

You entered the hall and saw Taehyung already sitting there with Aera clinging on his arm, trying to kiss him. 

“Aera, for god's sake stop if you don't want me to kick you out” you heard him say as you cleared your throat letting them know your presence.

 “y/n” he excitedly said as a smile crept on his cold face. He immediately came to you and gave you a warm hug.

 He picked up taeha and wished her too “good morning princes” he said as taeha giggled after hearing him call her princess. 

“And you are my prince” she said and smiled widely “of course” he said and pecked her soft cheek. 

“Let's start” he said and held your hand after dropping taeha and patting her head. “Excuse me? Am I suddenly invisible to everyone?” Aera said and came towards you.(1)

 “May I ask what you are doing here?” you softly asked “i found out about your dance lessons and decided to join you all, he is my fiance i should be practicing with him” aera said as you nodded.

 “Sure, let's start without any delay” you said and stood in the middle of the hall as they followed you. 

You placed her hand on his shoulder while Taehyung felt hesitant to touch her waist. “Your highness, you have to place your hand on my waist” Aera said as he looked at her with a cold gaze. 

“It's fine, let's just do it like this” he said and placed his hand close to her waist but not touching her.

 Aera looked annoyed but put on a fake smile. “Now, as we practiced” you said as taehyung started moving but aera looked hella confused.

 She accidentally stepped on his foot making him hiss in pain, “your highness, you do know how to do this dance right?” you asked as she scoffed

 “of course i do, what do you take me for” she fixed her posture and started again but again she stepped on his foot. 

“Spare me, if you can't do it at least let me do it with y/n” he said and gave her a glare. “Being too informal with her aren't you?” she said and picked her coat (2)

“You should treat me in a better way, you will regret it in the future” she said and harshly closed the door on her way out.

 “Shall we?” he said and forwarded his hand while you nodded. He held your hand and took the lead for the first time.

 The soothing song playing in the background as you both swayed to the melody. Taeha looked at you both with doe eyes as she awed looking at your flustered state because of the closeness between you two. 

“Is my princess blushing because of me?” he whispered loud enough for you to hear. Your heart pace increased as the words left his mouth ‘my princess’.

 He pulled you closer and looked straight in your eyes, his black orbs started in your soul. “I am sorry you had to bear aera again today, I will make sure that never happens again” he said and tightened his grip on your waist.

 “You look more ethereal from this close, i keep getting lost in your brown eyes, i keep wondering how your lips would-” he was cut off by taeha screaming. 

“What happened baby?” you rushed to her and crouched down to her level, she showed you her finger as she had a small cut on her finger. (3)

“How did this happen?” you asked as you noticed a nail on the wall. “It's fine, it's just a small scratch, Taeha is a strong girl right?” you said as she nodded and pouted. 

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