Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!

Start from the beginning

She buttoned up her blazer and smiled at us giving us a nod of greeting.

Sera:Oh! let me help you Auntie.

Aunt Lissandra:No need Sera Dear , thank you. But do please help my son.

Sera:Sure Auntie!

Auntie walked up the steps and straight to us like it was nothing but never the less I went to her to help and greet her.

Kai'sa:Auntie! Welcome to our home!

Auntie:Kai'sa Dear, thank you. Your house looks really lovely~

is she really blind? What the heck is that "special perspective "of hers?

Sera:slowly please...

After we all greeted Auntie to our home we all looked back at car when we heard Sera's voice,  as another person came out, my heart was pumping fast, I was still scared of what (y/n)'s condition up to now. The guard in the limo slowly lifted a guy while another fixed the wheel chair on the side and placed him there.

Our eyes winded as we saw (y/n) lifeless while sitting on the wheel chair.

Sera:Come one (y/n) its the girl.. Say hi!


There was only  silence in the air, you could also feel the heavy atmosphere everyone was giving out, and we all know we were all still depress on what happened but despite (y/n) "waking up"  you couldn't help but feel sad on his condition.

Ahri:Come one guys! Lets not let our guests wait!



Thankfully Ahri was able to break the silence, the atmosphere was almost getting heavy and awkward at the same time. Eve on the other hand went towards (y/n) and squatted down a bit to level herself to (y/n) and held his hand.

Eve:Hello Dear.

(Y/n) didn't spoke again but his hand flinched for a second which made Eve surpised a bit but also made her smile, i felt soft just from seeing the both of them together.

Eve:May I Sera?

Sera:Of course!

I stood next the Sera while Eve pushed (y/n) wheelchair , it was my first time seeing Eve this soft and caring towards someone else besides us, this just show us how (y/n) really meant to Eve which still makes me wonder what made her interested in (y/n).

Love is really strange...

We all settled in the living room, while i went to the kitchen to grab drinks for everyone.

Kai'sa:Water Auntie?

Aunt Lissandra:Ah yes thank you Kai'sa dear.

AkalI:By the way how did you know where we live Auntie?

The same question also popped in my head when Ahri said that auntie arrived at our front house.

Aunt Lissandra:Oh it was easy, i just called Mundo.

Ahri:Wait you know our manager?

Auntie was pretty joyful telling hearing that, she also even jump up her seat in excitement.

Auntie Lissandra:Of course! Me and Mundo go way back during our college days. I consider him as a close friend so I even  invested in his company back when he was still starting as a small entertainment agency and i'm happy to see it striving right now!

Eve:wait, are you perhaps one of our big investors Auntie?

Auntie Lissandra: I wouldn't say big, it's just a few hundred millions.

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