32 Hate is Poisonate

Start from the beginning

"You remember when you shouted in a crowded mall that I am wearing a bra," Hiccup mumbled.

"Yeah I do! That was epic!" Jack started laughing. Hiccup gave him a glare.

Hiccup threw the question to Merida who did the truth. She had to tell her girliest moment. Everyone was shocked to hear that she uses makeup when she goes out.

"Hiro?" Merida looks at me and I chose dare. I ended up stuffing baking powder into my mouth. It tasted bad and it made my mouth foam.

After doing the game for a while it was Jack's turn to ask again. Jack was looking puzzled for a moment and everyone was pushing him to continue the game.

Then Jack turns his attention towards Elsa. Something in his expression made a chill go through my body. He was so intimidating. "Elsa. What do you want me to remember?" Jack asked. He had just ignored the games purpose of ask truth or dare.

"I don't want to respond!" Elsa yelled while she stood up quickly. Jack bounced himself up too.

"Everyone else is playing too! Don't be such a Queen and Diva!" Jack sounded fierce. No one was able to comment.

"What?" Elsa gasped.

"Yeah you heard me! You act like being royal or something. Always hiding stuff and so on!" Jack snapped at her. I have no idea what's going on anymore. I'm just staring at them dumbfounded.

"Well I'm sure that I'm not the only one with secrets," Elsa screamed and stormed off. Yeah, she knows about my Baymax that's currently stocked up in his unit.

"Jack, you were a bit harsh," Punzie whispered.

"No I wasn't! I just can't handle her when she's acting up. GOSH!" Jack groaned.

"Dude, go after her," I mumbled and Jack was almost ready to kill me for a moment. Then he sighs his defeat and went to my bathroom where Elsa had gone.

Their yelling started again and we remained in this awkward silence between us. Then we heard nothing.

"I'm gonna check if they're alive," I sighed as I stood up. Maybe Elsa is drowning Jack to the sink? Or probably to toilet.

The bathroom door was open and I peeked in. I noticed that Elsa was sobbing, Jack taking careful steps towards her. His voice was weirdly soft.

Did he just touch her cheek?

No way.

I'm watching as Jack tilted his head to his left, wrapping his arms around Elsa. Elsa tried to push him away and I was ready to go between them.

Then their lips touched and my eyes widened. Elsa's breath hitched and then her arms went over his shoulders.

Quickly I turn around with my face being red.

They both have been my chief's. It's like seeing your parents kissing. So uncomfortable.

Before they noticed me I went back to living room. I sat down between Hiccup and Merida without saying anything. I'm just having this image in my head, of Jack kissing Elsa.

"What happened?" Merida asked while looking at me.

I shook my head, "N-nothing. Jack apologized." I muttered. Think of something nice. Think of something nice. Oh geez they came back, pretend that you don't know nothing!

"She doesn't need to respond. So.. who wants to continue?" Jack smiled as they sat back down.

"Kiss the most attractive guy in the room! It's a dare for girls!" I spoke aloud quickly. My eyes widened, what did I just say?

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