Lonely Moon on a Dark Night

Start from the beginning

Me: EVIL! *Smack smack*


Petal's POV

I gazed out of my den with leaden eyes, wearily witnessing the sunlight dim outside as shadows connected between the trees. I dragged an apricot paw onto my muzzle and allowed it to rest there, weakly shaking my head as my wilted tail slowly curved to touch my flank. The day had uneventfully, almost dreadfully, crawled by for me, but it was final. The Spring Festival ended, and I had missed it all. I softly growled and clawed at my disordered, uncomfortable grass bed at this realization; it was Sugarcane's first ever Spring Festival, and I had been confined in my den the entire time due to my sickness. What a terrible day...

If I managed to gather enough strength to walk that morning, I would've seized the opportunity to waltz out into the lively forest, insisting that I felt alive and healthy despite my actual condition. Unfortunately, I could hardly move my paws around and struggled to even crack open an eye. If not for Lily visiting me before the first strips of dawn highlighted the treetops, I probably would have fallen into a much worse state at the time. My minccino friend forcefully fed me berries, changed the contents of my bed with fresher grass, and kept her vigilant eyes on my scrawny frame until the canopy poured weak rays of sunlight upon the spring grass. I felt so pathetic at the time. Then, she reluctantly departed to Serperior's Spa for some "outrageous discount," abandoning me in the lonely cave.

I continued writhing around along my haphazard bed of grass. A nigh unbearable fever had me craving for the refreshing sense of rain, my burning throat throbbed whenever I attempted to eat, and other symptoms of this horrible cold devastated my body. Despite my silent urging for this suffering to vanish, it didn't cease, but the intensity of my symptoms did lighten up as time fluttered by. Once cooling darkness descended on Sugarcane, I could finally stand and walk around, albeit a little shakily.

My eyes stuck to the aspens and birches outside; part of me yearned to run around thoughtlessly in the early night's air, but a more reasonable side thought the temptation for leaving wasn't strong enough to bring me away from my bed's comfort. Since I submitted to the lazy impulse, I numbly continued to rest, doing nothing more than thinking and staring.

A sigh slipped up my hoarse throat after a while. The only Pokémon I'd seen that day were Lily, strangers walking around outside, and Skylar; the pidgeotto thankfully dropped off a few berries at one point. I'd been hoping that Shard would visit, too, but according to the meek glaceon, she would be on her first date with that rotten Thunder and most likely wouldn't check up on me. Was it so much for them to stop by, though? Even to just ask how I was doing? I would've appreciated a bowl of water in the least; I had nothing to drink all day besides warm, sticky berry juice. My parched and flaring throat would've felt so much better if she did, and even a piece of ice would've done justice.

Stupid, stupid Thunder, I thought angrily, clenching my paws. Whenever I fell sick in the past, Shard refused to leave my side unless to fetch something such as fruit or water and I always did the same to her. Unfortunately, ever since that jolteon came along, Shard never hung out as much. Grating my teeth, I recalled the time when Shard had to choose to spend the day with either me or Thunder, and she didn't pick her faithful grass-type pal. She promised that we would hang out later when that happened, but she carelessly broke the promise because the two became a couple that night. I'd rarely seen Shard since then. Stupid, stupid Thunder.

It definitely aggravated me that we didn't hang out much because of the jolteon, but I wasn't mad at Shard personally. Thunder kindled my hatred and anger. Selfish, angered thoughts stormed through my mind - he's stolen Shard; he's stolen one of my best friends - but the electric-type taking away my ice-type friend wasn't the source of my rage, either. Simply, I knew that at any time, he could easily hurt her. He already had, actually: when he dated Ruby. I distinctly recalled Shard limping into my den one day, tear streaks visible on her cheeks with her usually beautiful, cheerful eyes being raw with melancholy. He could harm Shard again with just mere words and mindless actions. I vexed him for that.

Thunder and Ice (Jolteon x Glaceon) {Pokemon}Where stories live. Discover now