Hard Work

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Me: Sorry for the late chapter... again. I really intended to have this up early, but my keyboard went all messed up and it was just hard to type... but its 5,000 words... and satisfactory. :D

Shard: Hmm? What's that supposed to mean?

Me: It means DANCE SHARD, DANCE! *Grabs her forepaws and swings her around*

Shard: UuuUUugghhh... Stahp! I hate getting dizzy!

Me: Swingin' right around, right around! Swingin' right around!

Thunder: Hey, put that glaceon down! SHE'S MINE.


Thunder: *Tackles me away and bear-hugs Shard* You love me better, right?

Me: Nu-uh!

Thunder: Uh-huh!

Me: I created her!

Thunder: I'm dating her!

Shard: p.q


Star: Why doesn't Shadow give us any attention? D:

Fang: Because she's not fabulous enough. X3

Star: Mm, true. *Wears a pink boa*

Fang: *Throws rainbow glitter into the air* Fabuloooous!

Star's POV

I hate climbing trees. Being able to look like other Pokémon was fun and all, but as a pachirisu I still struggled up the dogwood. My stubby paws weren't made for treading bark; they were made for running around and looking cute! As I climbed up to a thick, dusty bough, it was definitely difficult to lug myself up - it was a low branch, embarrassingly enough. Soon I was on it, but then, as if Arceus snatched away my recent luck, the wind started to howl mockingly and threatened to shove me off.

After I managed to not fall, and the gust had subsided, I somehow convinced myself into helping Fang up. Considering I was a little, scrawny squirrel half my usual size, it was hard to hoist up an uncoordinated, heavy poochyena. Eventually Fang and I were on the branch, and as long as I gripped the bark tightly I felt safe.

We were hanging back on the sturdy, secure base of the bough. Once we started moving, it'd be harder to keep balance where the wood thinned out ahead of me; trailing beneath uncountable leaves. My gaze impulsively drifted down, staring at the radiant grass a few feet below, and I reassured myself it wasn't a far drop. "You okay?" I weakly called, trying to sway myself into believing I wasn't the troubled one.

"Uh, yeah, my claws are a bit dull, but they help for a good grip!"

I gulped. My eyes focused on where my little claws barely tapped against the branch. "I can slip anytime now." My laugh that followed had naturally sounded nervous, and then I tightened my grasp on the wood.

"Heh, let's just hurry with this then. We don't want to be up here that long!"

So we started walking. Within heartbeats, however, I realized something that caused me to feel slight regret. Why was I the first one to climb up? The bough was too narrow for Fang to pass ahead even at the size of a pachirisu, so I was stuck leading the poochyena with my sluggish pace. Once I took a few steps, I instantly thought I'd topple over and tumble into the grass, but I shakily managed to trudge on. Others of my species would've seen me and laughed about how I was hilariously clumsy; many zorua could skip along the branches like they were gliding on air. It wasn't my fault I was a tad bit off balance though, and I'd adjust to walking in the dogwoods soon enough. Shaking my waning attention back into a concentrated state, I focused on stepping on the right spots of the branch while trying to pick up speed.

Thunder and Ice (Jolteon x Glaceon) {Pokemon}Where stories live. Discover now