Memory 1

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 This is actually 

Sky paced around his room. He kept having 

visions of a black form slaughtering 

innocent humans. He told this to his 

parents, and they took him to a doctor. The 

doctor eyed them suspiciously, and told

 sky he might having powers to see the 

future. "That has happened once in a 

milllion children but there is two kinds of 

predicting the further and one is bad, one is 

good. Little Sky here might be having the 

bad one. But still, you guys should see a 

wizard or sorcerer to be specific." Says the 

doctor when he visited him. He then visited 

sorcerer after sorcerer, until he found a 

sorcerer kid called Seto. Seto was a light 

and black sorcerer, but he prefers to use 

light magic. " you are a mind predictor. The 

black figure is torturing your soul, making 

you weak and easy to control. I think that 

the black figure is a virus." My dad gasped: 

"you mean h-he is controlled by null?" Seto 

nodded grimly. When we went back home 

my parents slapped my face and yelled at 

me: " you worthless little peice of shit! You 

only bring bad luck to our family! Now get 

out of our face!" They pushed me out and 

slammed the door. I sobbed and cried for a 

few minutes then climbed in my room's 

window and packed all my stuff. My 

money,my phone,my bag which was 

enchanted to carry infinite stuff, my clock, 

my food(that I hid in my cabinet), my 

glasses, my blanket and pillows ,and most 

importantly my amulet. I jumped out the 

window and ran until I couldn't see my 

home.I made a small bathtub shaped nest 

on a tall tree that grows fruits and fell 

asleep in my proud work.When I woke up I 

was in a bed. A FLOATING BED. "WHAT THE 

HECK WHAAAAAAAAT!" a purple cloaked 

boy walked in. "Who are you???" I asked. "I 

found you in a huge nest and you were 

freezing so here you are." He replied. Wait. 

"Are you Seto?" "The one and only."

Well shoot. Now he's gonna take me back 

to by parents again. "Oh no I don't. I saw 

the whole thing.I tracked you down and 

went there myself by teleporting. I can read

 minds if I want. It would take me a lot of 

magic though." Well, being an idiot, who 

always wants to make friends, I said "c-can 

we be friends?" He replied with a smile 

"why yes. If you had more friends the 

demon in you can't take control of you. It 

would make it harder with all the 

connections swarming in the place."

 "Yay!my first friend!"

Hihihi author here um I was too busy with homework and stuff so I was occupied so I couldn't update :(

So basically I moved the two chapters of the sequel to here and I'm gonna delete the sequel so yea


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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