Chapter 7

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Entity POV

I tapped my foot impatiently. I was waiting for the message from my servant. "Master!" Dester bursted into the throne room. "Yes? Have you brought back the message yet?" I asked. "Master, the Sky kingdom is forming a new hybrid team." He replied. "I am only aiming for the leader, called sky." I said. "Okay." He walked out the throne room. 


"Why did you do that!" I yelled at him. "Sorry, my father told me that and He said that we will not be friends anymore. " he replied, sad. "Why" I asked. "He says that your father is an evil prerson."  He replied again. "But I am not!" I cried! "Sorry." He walked  away, leaving me sad. How could he just kill my family! We used to me friends. "Slender! (Did I mention that they are in the slender woods?)"  "yes?"  " my friend  killed my family. He was forced to." I replied. "We creepypastas will always be by your side, no matter what." He says, 'smiling'.

Flashback end

I smiled.

Dream POV

I fixed my mask. This is going to be fun. There is going to be a new Minecraft manhunt. So ty and sky is going to be the hunters. I hit sky on the face and ran. I quickly punched down a tree and made some planks. I made some tools and looked at my back. I smirked. I used my sword to pin down sky.Ty ran to me. I stabbed Sky in the chest and he disappeared. He should be at the spawn now. "You killed sky!" He yelled. "He will respawn anyway. And you too." I smirked again. Then I hit Ty in the head and he disappeared too. I looked at their wood. I picked them up and smiled. Two whole stacks! I ran to a nearby cave and collected some stone. I made stone tools and saw some coal and iron. I mined them. I made a furnace and smelted the iron. I used the  iron to make a bucket and shears. I collected my stuff and ran out of the cave. Surprisingly, I saw a village! That means more iron and food. I made a stone hoe and collected all of the hay stacks. Then I took out my axe and hit the iron golem. It turned at me and I stacked up three blocks high. I swinged ( really a word!?) my axe at it and killed it. I jumped down and picked up the iron. Then I made an iron sword just in time to see sky and ty running at me with wooden swords held in their hands. Ho ho. This is going to be fun. I hid my iron sword and pretended that I only had an almost broken wooden sword. "Look he only has a broken wooden sword! This is going to be so easy." Sky yelled. I smirked. When ty tried to hurt me I blocked his attack with my wooden sword. Then when sky came I secretly sliced his neck with my iron sword then after the slice I changed my iron sword back into a wooden sword. The I did that to ty too. When I saw the stuff they dropped I giggled. Ty had leather chest plate  and leggings. And sky got some leather boots. They probably did a lot of preparation before they got here. Then I made the hay stacks to bread. I went to a nearby pond and filled my bucket with water. I ran to the smith's house and opened the chest and saw some flint and steel, apples, some gold, and even 2 diamonds! I took them all. I made the diamonds into a diamond sword. This is easy. Then i noticed the sun coming down and my stomach grumbling. I collected some leather and sugarcane. Then I ate some bread and went to sleep on a bed. 

Time skip

I woke up. Then I collected all of the beds in the village. I noticed that i have some spare iron so I made them into iron boots. I took the leather ones off and wore the iron ones. I walked outside and saw sky and ty again. I made the apples into golden apples. But there is one thing. They both had stone tools already. I smirked and threw the the leather boots to ty. "You better need that!" I yelled, mockingly. They charged at me. Ty slashed at  my side and I grunted in pain. Sky saw that and hurt my leg too. After a few good hits, they made me very weak. "Let's win this!" Yelled Ty. Oh no you don't! I ate a golden apple and healed up instantly. I unsheathed my diamond sword and stabbed Sky in the stomach. Ty saw that and he slashed at me. I stabbed his heart. I killed ty. Sky saw that and he stood up and he hurt my leg. I looked up and said in a demonic voice. "Y0u wI1 r39re1 t6at!" I charged at sky and surprisingly my leg healed up. I threw my sword at sky's heart and that killed him.  I collected a few stacks of leaves then I ate some food and started mining straight down. Luckily I found a cave. But what that is not lucky is that I've fell in a cave of skeletons and creepers. Instantly a creeper blew up. I realized that I must make a shield. The explosion killed most of the mobs. After I killed the rest of the mobs I saw that the skeletons dropped a lot of bows. I picked them up and made them all into one. That bow is very strong. Then I collected all the arrows. I realized that the cave I'm in is full of iron and diamonds. "Grrrrrr" came a zombies growl. Where did it came from? I walked at the noise. What I saw surprised me. A dungeon. I killed the zombies and broke the spawner. I opened the chests and found a nametag, some enchanted golden apples, an infinity enchanting book, a fire aspect enchanting book, and a music disk. I am so lucky. I mined more iron and made an anvil and a shield. Then I enchanted my sword and bow. This is op. Then I wondered where is sky and ty? Nevermind. Then I mined all the diamonds in the cave. I made a whole set of diamond armor. They will be surprised. I saw a lava pond and I made a nether portal. I mined some obsidian to make an enchanting table. Then I enchanted all of my stuff. I got my flint and steel and lit the nether portal. I jumped in it just to find sky and ty jumping in too. I went to the nether and saw sky and ty coming out the portal wearing iron armor. "Wow you must've worked hard on that!" I mocked them. "How did you get so many OP stuff!" Sky yelled, dumbfounded. "Just got lucky, I guess." I shrugged. I blocked Ty's attack with my shield and hurt sky by stabbing him. "I'm on fire! I'm on fire!" Shouted Sky. Ty looked at sky and I took that chance to hit ty. "Two burnin boys now!" I laughed. I took that opportunity to run. I mined some gold and traded with the piglins. At the fifth time I got the enderpearls and I jumped down the hole and got all of the usefull stuff.  I saw sky and ty coming. I stacked up high and began bridging. I saw sky and ty and the end of the bridge and we met at the middle. Ty tried to push me off and Sky slashed me at the back. I jumped down to the lava and just before that I drank a fire resistance potion. "Did he die?" I heard ty said. I popped up my head and said "of course I'm not!" And began to fire arrows at them. Ty slipped and sky caught him. I took that chance and swam away.  I swam on shore and stacked up with the leaves. Every few blocks I break the leaves below it, causing to have no way for them to track me down. I hollowed a hole and I walked in it. I crouched and looked down to the nether floor. After a few minutes, I saw sky and ty coming here. I shot an arrow at sky and it hit him. "He's here!" Sky whipped his head around. "Where?" Asked ty. I tried not to laugh while making a sign. I am up here.I wrote. Then I threw the sign down. Sky picked up the sign. "It says I a up here." Reads sky. They looked up only to find me smiling down at them I used a boat mlg and got down. "Miss me?" I smirked. They came charging at me. I ran. I saw a nether fortress and some blazes. Good. I killed the blazes and escaped by making another portal. I jumped in the portal just in time to hear them finding me. 

Seto POV

We are all watching Dream's manhunt with sky and ty by my magic tv. "Dream is so good at escaping." I said to myself.

Dream POV

I threw the eyes of enders and it led me in a dungeon. I found some enchanting books and enchanted them to my armor and tools. Then I found the portal room. What I saw surprised me. All of the eyes of ender are put into the slots. I put down a bed and set my spawn point. Then I jumped into the portal. I found myself on an obsidian platform. I bridged to land. I used my bow to destroy the crystals. Suddenly, a sword cut my shoulder. I whipped my head around and saw sky and ty wearing mixed diamond and iron armor. I slashed at the (the dragon is not the dragon that Enderlox met)dragon and shot arrows at it while sky and ty tries to kill me. After an hour the dragon is very weak. I stacked up and saw sky and ty shooting an arrow at me. I mlged to the ground and shot multiple arrows at the dragon. It's time to one shot it. I stacked up really high just to see the dragon resting below me and sky and ty shooting arrows at me. I jumped down and one hit the dragon and after that I blacked out. 

Time skip

"You did a great job!" I woke up to see that all of my stuff is here. I must've beat the Enderdragon.  "You passed out because you were too weak. But you beat the dragon!" I smiled weakly. "For sure you did an amazing job for beating us. And you can keep all your stuff cuz you might need that for the battle of Entity 303." Said Ty. "Thanks guys!"


Really this is my longest chapter ever done! I am proud. 

This is Netherlox, signing off!

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