Chapter 8

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Dream POV
Jerome slashed at me but I blocked his hit with my sheild. "Let's take a rest now." I announced. I fixed my mask.
I ran towards the woods with a dozen hunters chasing me. I used my demon powers and teleported home. I removed my mask and slid my finger on the surface. That is the only thing to keep me from turning into my full demon form and making be immortal.Whenever I drew a smile in the air with my finger, I will turn into my demon form. I walked out the front door and gazed at my small 'house'. It isn't a big one, even I considered if I could call it home. I sighed and thought. If I destroy my home collect all of my stuff and move to a new place? So I spent the afternoon collecting stuff. I walked out the forest that I lived in and picked some berries and apples to eat. I saw a big house.I walked towards it and knocked on the door. "Who is there?" Asked someone. "I'm dream." I replied. "Ohh it is you and...and we saw or name on the prophecy book! It says that four boys will form a team and help an army to defeat some evil guy! And we found out that it is saying that we are the four boys in the prophecy!" Then the front door swang(??? Is this a word?)open a out popped three heads. One boy wore a hoodie and has fangs and black skin, and his eyes are white. Another boy wore white clothes but in the middle there was a fire logo. The last boy wore a pair of glasses and stuff.

Time skip in flashback!

I soon learned that their name was Badboyhalo, Sapnap and George. I decided to call Badboyhalo||| Bad. Then we named out team the dream team.

Flashback end

I smiled.

"Sky?Can I talk to you for a while?" Asked dream. "Yes." I answered. We went to dreams room. "Sky, sooo... um...I am a demon. I am scared that people will fear me." Says Dream nervously(a word?) oh. So he is a demon. "Tell me about you more." I said. "Since I am a demon, I can be in many forms. I can turn into a full demon, part demon, and dragon. For dragons, any kind you can imagine of. I can be invisible and I can turn into anything I like. Such as Sky," he motioned to me, "and everyone else on this world."  I smirked. "We could prank someone and you should turn into Me!" Dreams eyes widened. "Yeah!" 

Dream POV

My face,clothes and body melted into Sky's. "Oooooohh it is sure satisfying dude!" Says Sky.

To be continued 


Oh and sorry it is too short.

Now I'm done thank you.

Netherlox, signing off.

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