Pre-party over, now for the real deal. Part 6.

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Caz looked upwards at the two of us, clear anger still glint in his eye which instinctively caused me to flinch and feel on high alert. Something told me this situation wasn't going to be so easily smoothed over for Caz, however.

His blond strands a bit disheveled, he loudly sighed all while Vinnie looked to his mate with concern. Why was Vinnie more concerned over Caz when it should be Caz concerned about Vinnie?

Archer quickly took notice to my sudden jolt and tucked me in close, giving Caz a serious expression.

"Now, that isn't fair to do." Archer spoke up, not caring one bit for Caz' obviously bad mood and upset nature for the moment.

"I'm not taking this situation lightly. My mate, my packs future luna was threatened tonight and to me, to my entire pack that is intollerable." His jaw was tight. I knew very little about his pack but what I did know was the Luna's for centuries were valued on a whole new level than I had heard about in other pack history's being taught in class before, a lot of our 'important omega influence lessons' often centered around past Luna's from his pack, for they had so much wisdom held dear, they moved mountains and played vital roles in many political things through out history.

Vinnie, he surely was intensely lucky to be a Luna to a pack who would hold his words, his thoughts, him so beautifully valuable.

I tapped Archer's shoulder "Baby, can you set me down for a moment?" I asked in a soft tone, which was met by my mates curious eyes and he without protest set me down, though lingered almost close enough where he nearly pressed to my back.

I looked Caz right in the eyes, though if looks could kill I'd be keeled over.

"I know it won't be taken lightly." I started in a soft tone. "I don't take the situation lightly either, but in my pack Dom nor I hold any political power, we can't take action or decide what will happen. My father does. Just as I assume you're also in the same position with your pack, currently." I tried keeping my calm, trying to play temporary peace keeper till our fathers could talk felt awkward to say the least.

"That is true." Caz replied between tight lips.

"So, even though it feels that this situation is un-noticed because there is no swift action. Sadly, my father and mother's absence has made the situation one we can't really swiftly handle. My dad doesn't even know it's happened and I'm sure when he does there will be precautions taken." I tried my damndest to speak clearly, appropriately and as formally as I possibly could. "I am sorry, I want to apologize first for the actions of someone from our pack. I know the apology won't fix it now. But, I don't want you to think this will be looked over."

With each passing word I could see Caz visibly releasing the tension in his body and slowly loosening his snake like grip on Vinnie's hand. But, he was understandably still upset.

"I will ask the guards to escort Will from the party, firstly. He shouldn't be here I'm sorry it didn't happen sooner we were trying to collect ourselves before coming back." I spoke as honestly as I could, before holding my hand out towards Caz, hoping for a handshake. "I hope what I can do for now will be enough to satisfy and ease this burden till our fathers can talk?"

Taking his silence, I didn't want my actions to seem not genuine enough. Though, I felt on the spot. I looked to Vinnie who looked to me with a large grin.

"That sounds very fair for what we can do for now, right, love?" He soothingly spoke, caressing his small thumb over Caz' quite obviously. "He will leave the party and we'll sort all of this out the right way."

"Yeah." Caz agree'd, though not sounding as if he was fully okay.

"It will be okay, our packs will make this right."

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