Chapter 2

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That night Connor and I went to the OB floor. A lot of expecting mother had already left and it was only Connor and I. "Thanks for having us go last." He laughed a little and took a seat. "What?" He shock his head to tell me never mind and I took a seat beside him. I looked around seeing all the pictures of baby feet, baby shoes, and hats. I started to get nervous again and grabbed Connor's hand. "You good?" I smile at him and said yes. "Lily." I looked up and seen the doctor waiting at the door.

Connor and I stood up and we both went in the back. She start some tests and then brought the ultrasound. "Looks like your 6 weeks along." I couldn't believe it and it was crazy to see it on the screen. Once we were finished we set another appointment and left the office. We walk to the elevator and see Ms.Goodwin. "Oh hello" we both smiled and walked into the elevator. I could tell Ms.Goodwin was smiling but not starring. The elevator opens and we Connor and I stepped out. I turn around and smiled back.

The next day Connor and I walked into work and word had finally went around. "Oh my gosh Lily congratulations!" I looked at Connor and we smiled at one another. "Thanks Maggie." She came around and gave me a hug. "See you later." Connor said and left to go do his rounds. April and Doris came up and so did Monique. We luckily had a slow day and it was finally lunch time I was starving. I grabbed my phone to see if Connor wanted lunch. I got on the elevator it stopped a floor before the cafeteria. "Hello Lily." Dr.Charles said getting on the elevator. I stepped to the side letting him in and smiled "hello Dr.Charles." He looked at me and smiled "I hear there's a congratulations in order." I smiled at him and said thanks. The doors open and we both got off. "Is Connor meeting you for lunch?" He asked as we got inline. "No he is in surgery." It was my turn to get food so I looked at the menu for the day. "Water and a sandwich." The lady handed me my things and Dr.Charles raised his eyebrow. "What?" He looks down and then back at me. "Your eating for two and only a water and sandwich?" I looked down and then back to him. "Yeah, I'm still really nauseous so I don't even know if I can even eat this one sandwich." I shrugged paying for my food.

"Hey Lily." I looked over and see Will and Dr.Choi walking over "I'll see you later." Dr.Charles said leaving. "Hey guys." I said as they sat down and then April came over soon later. "How you feeling?" Will asked taking a seat beside me. "Ok just a little tired and nauseous." April looked at my food notice I hadn't eaten. "That bad?" I looked at her and nod my head. " yeah, hoping it's just for the first trimester." April looked over and got up and then came back. "Here try this." He handed me a lemon in a cup. "It helps." I took it and sucked on the lemon for a few minutes. "Thanks" it helped a little enough to eat a few bites of my food.

"Have you told Jay yet?" Will asked taking a bite of his food. "Not yet was going to tell him tonight." I finish half of my food and seen Connor walk up. "Hey sweetie." I said had he came up and sat beside me. "Sorry emergency surgery." He said taking a sip of his coffee. "It's ok. I was just telling Will I'm going to tell Jay tonight." Connor agreed and decided to come with. I got up to throw my things away and get back to work. "Was that all you ate?" I looked at him then to my other half of food. "Yeah." I kissed Connor bye and then headed to the elevator.

The ED was a little calm. I had only 3 hours left then I can leave. I went over to Maggie and April. "Hey" Maggie looked at me and handed me a drink and an apple. " Dr.Halstead already called. You need to eat more." I laugh a little and the. See how serous Maggie was. "Ok I will." I grabbed the apple and placed it on the countertop. Before Maggie could say anything one of the ambulance's came up. "Dr.Choi , April!" They both got up and went to the paramedics. I looked at the computer and looked at my patients I had today and started my rounds.

Finally work was done and my rounds were finished. I went to get my things and I looked in the doctors lounge and see Will and Connor talking. "Hey so how you feeling?" Maggie asked popping out of no where. "Oh, yeah fine. Do you know what Will and Connor are talking about?" I asked tilting my head over a little to see if they were in an argument or just talking. "No idea." Maggie said I told Maggie good night and I would see her tomorrow. I walked over to the doctors lounge and open the door. "Come on Connor we have to meet Jay in an hour." He looks at Will and told him bye. "Bye Will see you later." I grabbed my things and Connor and I left.

Lily Halstead Book 2 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum