Chapter 13

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I woke up with cold sweats not even remembering my dream. But I have a feeling of what it was. I looked over to see if Connor was in bed. He wasn't. I got up and walked out of the room, I herd him in the kitchen. "Morning." He said making a pot of coffee. I smiled and we kissed good morning I looked at the clock and it was definitely time for me to get dressed. I walked back to our room and changed into my work clothes.

"You about ready to head out?" Connor asked. I looked at the time and we had 10 minutes before we normally head out. "Just a minute. Putting my shoes on." I walked out and Connor had my drink ready and he was already drinking his. We get to the car and we both get in. I was ready to get back to work. And I just wanted normalcy. I wanted the letter to be out of my mind and like it never came. I want these dreams to disappear and just go back to normal.

We finally get to work, we walk in and Connor heads to his floor to check on his patients. "Talk to you later." He said kissing me and walked to the elevator. "Good morning Lily." I looked up and see April and Natalie. "Hey." I placed my things on the floor it felt a little weird to be back after what had happened last time I was at work. "Hey Lily." I looked up and see Will. "Hey Will." I said placing my things down. "How you doing?" I smiled and told him I was fine. "In coming " Maggie said. We looked up "Lily Dr.Manning ." I see the ambulance coming up and then them bring in the patient. "What we have?" Natalie asked. "29 year old female, unresponsive fell from her attic." We get her into the room and then get started. I place an IV and started giving medicine that Natalie was ordering. "I need CT scan done." We got her stable enough for her to get scanned. Natalie and I walked out. Natalie was giving more test orders and I was adding them to her chart. "We might need to bring in Dr. Bekker." Maggie goes to call her in and I stepped out. Natalie and Dr.Bekker got started on treating the girl when she came back from CT.

A few hours had past and sadly the girl didn't make it. Natalie had to inform her family. "Hey Lily." I looked up and see Will. "Hey Will." He comes and takes a seat by me. "You ok?" I didn't want to say anything. I was so tired because of the nightmares and now the letter has me on edge. "Yeah, I'm great." I lied. Another trauma was coming in and Will was called and he got up and left. I started to feel hungry and noticed it was close to 1. "Be back Maggie. Going to lunch." She smiled and I went to the cafeteria.

I got into the elevator and pushed
the floor for the cafeteria. I was so ready to eat and I think so was the babies. I walked off the elevator and walked to the cafeteria. "Hey." I felt arms go around my waist and then I felt his beard on my neck. "Dr.Choi." I smiled and laughed a little. Connor rolled his eyes. "No it's your fiancé smart ass." He kissed my lips. "Here got you lunch." I open the bag and see two slices of pizza and a salad. "Yum thanks." We walked to a table and I quickly open the pizza and started eating. "How's work been?" I shrugged not wanting to talk about it. "Hey Lily, Dr.Rhodes." I looked over and see Dr.Bekker smiling at Connor. Connor said hi and she then walked away. "I can't stand her." I told him. Connor laughed and finished eating. I was ready for this day to be over. Soon.

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