Chapter 14

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A few months had past and I was starting to show. I was showing faster since there are two. I was due for another appointment but had been a little busy so I keep pushing it off. Will and Jay are excited after finding out I was expecting two. I just could keep it a secret. Now the whole family knew and it was starting to feel even more real.

"You ready to go?" I looked at the time and I had twenty minutes before I had to meet Natalie and April for lunch. "Yeah let me grab my shoes." I got off the island chair and went to grab my shoes. My feet where starting to get swollen so I had to wear sandals Connor stood by me and open the door. I stood up but then got very dizzy. I quickly reached my hand out to grab him to steady myself. "Lily!" He grabs me and holds me he slowly places me on the floor. "You okay?" He asked checking my pulse. The room was spinning and I felt almost like motion sick. "I'm fine." I said closing my eyes hoping it would stop. "Your pulse is elevated a little. I'm taking you to Med." I rolled my eyes and told him no. He pulls me up and places me next to the wall. "Your going no arguing." He picks up his phone and calls someone and then he comes back to me. "Come on."

I get into the elevator with Connor. "Who did you call?" Connor gave me a strange look. "I didn't call anyone." I looked at him waiting for him to say gotcha or something that he was joking. But he didn't. "Connor you walked away and you called someone I saw you." My heart was beating faster this time I could feel it. We walked out of the elevator and I felt as if I was still on it. Connor resides to carry me to his car and then we left for the hospital. I was certain he was on the phone.

We were a few minutes out and Connor picked up his phone and started to talk To Maggie. He parked in the emergency entrance and Doris came out with a wheelchair and took me in. "I'm fine." I said Maggie walked behind Connor and they helped me on the bed. Natalie came in and so did Will. "No I'm fine just a small dizzy spell I just stood back up to quickly." Doris was placing heart monitoring pad on me and a oxygen reader on "No look I'm fine I don't." Natalie, Will and Connor came up to the bed. "Lily let us just check you out. If nothing shows Connor can take you back." Natalie used her stern voice and I knew she wasn't joking and she meant business. Connor and Will stepped out and it was just me. Natalie and Doris.

I was starting to feel tired. I just want to head home and sleep in my own bed. I could hear Connor and Will talk and was wonder what they were talking about. "Natalie I'm fine can I go home." I looked over at the curtain as it opened. "Now Lily let Dr.Manning work on you." Ms.Goodwin walked and looked at my monitors. "Why don't you rest. You look tired." Natalie and Ms.Goodwin walked out and I was left with Doris.

*20 minutes later *

"Lily." I open my eyes and see Will standing at the bed and then Jay walks in. "Hey, guys." I sat up a little "How you feeling" I could see the worry in Jays face.  The both walk closer and took a seat. "I'm fine I just needed a nap I think. Jay and  Will looked at each other. "Lily before we woke you it looked like you were having a nightmare. You kept says leave them alone." I didn't remember what I was even dreaming about. Just felt like I had my eyes close for no longer then 5 minutes. "Look I'm good. I'm just ready to leave." I throw the blanket off of me and took off the monitors. I was ready to leave and staying here wasn't helping with the stress. Will and Jay stood up. "Wait Lily hold on." Jay said. "Lily sit back down we need to talk." Will said.

I grabbed my sandals and place them on my feet. "I'm ready to go." I looked back up and see Connor, Maggie and Dr.Charles "Crap"

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