37. Revenge

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They arrived at the mountain estate at nightfall. The scouts and guards reported that there was no evidence they were followed. But both August and Lark knew better than to be complacent. They had brought along an entire regiment of guards who far outnumbered the servants and as they filed quietly into the fortified courtyard of the building Lark felt more secure due to their presence. August had slept for most of the trip with his head in Lark's lap. The feeling of being lawfully united brought Lark a satisfaction and peace she had not expected. She was now a Lady. Far from being as highly respected as the vampires who held the same title, she was still in a place of immense power for a human. The nearby towns and villages had spread the news of the marriage quickly through the territory. The human subjects were equally pleased and displeased. Many more traditional beliefs forbade the consideration of high ranks for humans. Humans died without the protection of the lords, slowly picked off by groups of ravenous rogues. It was only deep in their territories that they could be protected by the reach of their lord's influence. Soldiers patrolled the roads and villages to deter outsiders and created a sense of security. Without this protection they would live in fear. It was this fear that inspired their disgust at the marriage. How could their lord lower himself to marry a human and put the territory in danger? How could he have put his own feelings above his duty to the humans he protected? There would be consequences from other lords. It was inevitable. This unhappiness seethed under their skin and poisoned an otherwise delighted populace. Many humans celebrated that one of their kind could be married to a powerful lord. It proved that they were necessary parts of the nobility and she was an ambassador of their societal issues and more empathetic to their struggles. Lark was seen by some as a hero even before she had been given the chance to influence any policies that might help them. She had come from a humble background to rise up to legally marry a vampire lord. It was a story that brought them hope. Lark was not yet aware of this dichotomy as August was jolted from his sleep by the closing of the heavy gate that protected the estate. He sat up quickly and smoothed his suit before catching Lark's eyes and giving her a weak smile.

"We've arrived." He was familiar with the ominous appearance of the gothic mansion jutting out of the rough rock of the mountainside. It appeared oppressive and claustrophobic despite its large size. The architecture was beautiful but heavy with low buttresses, a sloped roof, and pointed arches on the doors and windows. The stone was stained darkly by years of harsh weather and ivy wound its way around the towers and trellises of the garden. A heavy fog laid thickly on the ground and Lark felt strongly as if she was entering a secret place. As the group entered the main hall and the servants began lighting candles to illuminate the space Lark could see that the vaulted ceiling was ornately decorated and painted with a beautiful scene of angels in flight. Or were they demons? As Lark tried to decipher the artwork in the dark she realized that the figures had bat-like wings and horns. Demons. She smiled. It was a delightful juxtaposition and exquisitely painted. Whoever had done it must have been a master. She admired the carved pillars and stained glass decorating the room and began to feel more at ease. The tapestries hanging on the stone walls were the equals of the painting above, works of master craftsmen. This estate was as opulent as the main castle but somehow understated. Despite the incredible quality of the art and furniture it was more intimate with softer colors and smaller rooms. Lark felt more comfortable here where they weren't surrounded by the noise and chaos of the harem and the court.

August led Lark down a series of narrow corridors to the main suite, illuminating their way with a single candlestick. They opened a door and stepped into a dim chamber. A soaking pool at their feet was already being filled and the surface of the water was covered in fragrant flower petals that must have been brought from the castle. Sara was among those allocated to serve the lord and lady and she winked at Lark as she lit a series of candelabras before ducking out of a side door and leaving Lark and August alone. Both eased out of their travelling clothes and entered the bath. Lark approached her husband shyly, only her face hovering above the surface of the water. August smiled wickedly and splashed her playfully before snatching her into the arms. She grumbled at him and he kissed her head softly. These moments were worth the anxiety of their current position. As they sat together in the bath a soft rain began to fall outside. The staccato of the rain on the roof lulled them into a hesitant relaxation. August placed his large hand over Lark's stomach and rubbed it absently as they discussed her duties as his wife.

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