25. Union

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The castle seemed restless in the following days. Whispers seemed to float through the corridors and hide in alcoves. A sense of unease was stirring but no one could determine the source. The humans and vampires employed within the stone walls seemed to be more quiet than usual, choosing to socialize in small groups in the most deserted parts of the complex. One name seemed to be in everyone's lips. Lark. Rumors had begun to spread that she was manipulating August. The more superstitious among them claimed she was using witchcraft or poison to control him. His presence had lessened in the harem dramatically and even his personal staff rarely caught a glimpse since he had returned from Hygate. He seemed tired and distant and was easily distracted from his duties. They had all become suspicious. Lark found she was now greeted with wariness by others in the castle, particularly other humans. They seemed to regard her with a sense of distrust. Even the guards assigned to protect the castle and its occupants did not offer her smiles and pleasantries as they once did. It took such a short time for this change to occur that Lark felt threatened by it. What was going on?

Sara was so close to her that none of the other staff would ever disclose anything to her. Other than Lady Ferra, Bernard, and August she had few allies. As she embroidered in her private garden with Sara reading beside her, Lark wondered if it would be unwise to reach out to Ariane. Perhaps her former friend would be willing to shed some light on the situation. August had been busy in recent days, only visiting to join Lark for meals and to feed occasionally. Absorbing Hygate into Ferin was a vast undertaking, and the logistics were complicated. There had already been some unrest in the new territory and the citizens of Ferin felt the strain of the new arrivals on their resources. August had barely been sleeping and was forced to spend quite a bit of time away from the castle. Lark had felt a tug of loneliness in his absence though Sara made a wonderful companion. But her parents had been moved into the castle the previous day, having recovered enough from their ordeal to make the journey. Sara was occupied with tending to them. They were still weak. Lark had located the deed and other paperwork related to the land that Sara's parents owned. August had begun an investigation but it was slowed by his busy schedule. Lark had little but her lessons and embroidery to occupy her. King had been visiting more frequently and she had finally managed to teach him to mimic her.

Ravens were gifted natural mimics and Lark had been trying to teach King words since she rescued him. But he had never grasped these new sounds. Until now. He joined her in the garden, swooping into a flower bed and hopping to her feet. Lark leaned down and ruffled the feathers on his head. He fluffed up and bobbed excitedly, making his happy croaking noises. Lark giggled.

"Hello!" she greeted him. Much to her surprise he quickly responded.

"Hello!" he called. His voice sounded eerily like her own. Lark clapped excitedly which seemed to inspire King. "Hello! Hello! Hello!"

Lark laughed until her sides ached and King strutted around the garden showing off his new skill. He seemed delighted by her reaction and quickly found a small stone on the ground to present to her. She thanked him and patted his head and he spiraled into the sky, back to a distant corner of the courtyard to rest. Night was quickly falling and Lark gathered her embroidery materials and returned to her chambers to eat and prepare for her lesson with Lady Ferra.

She found Ferra in the courtyard as usual. The vampiress made no mention of their previous discussion and elegantly avoided the topic as she explained the intricacies of polite dinner conversation. Lark quickly realized she would be of no further help to her. When she excused herself as midnight approached she hoped that she would see August again so she could express her concerns. Sara had come to meet her in the main hall and they nearly ran back to the safety of their chambers. The few guards seemed to scoff at them as they passed. Lark could feel her anxiety deepening. They collapsed on the couch out of breath and laughed at their flushed faces.

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