33. A Second Chance

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"William," Lark echoed. She had seen him with her own eyes. It was not surprising that August had been motivated to seek out that which he thought he could never have in his demon form. He had sought a family and heir. But only a human woman could provide him with what he wanted most. And Ora had brought him so close only to be destroyed. Lark felt as if she might weep. She was overwhelmed with the possibilities that had been presented to her. But what if she was unable to bear his child? Would he still want her company? August reached out to her.

"That is not why I wish to make you my wife," he assured her. "Though I would be elated for the chance to raise my own child I only need you to be satisfied." This calmed Lark slightly but she was still shaken. If Ora had been murdered while carrying the lord's child she knew she could expect a similar fate. Unless she took action to stop it. She knew August would stop at nothing to protect her but she knew this alone was not enough.

"When will we marry?" she asked bluntly.

"A month from now," he replied quickly. "If you will have me so soon."

Lark nodded firmly.

"I will have a dressmaker sent to your chamber within a fortnight," he continued. "You may order whatever you wish. And Sara must have a dress as well."

For a moment Lark allowed herself a small smile. Though she had been living luxuriously for many months she was still delighted at the prospect of ordering a wedding dress she could hardly have dreamt of in her former life. It was a small comfort as she faced her own mortality. August held her hand against his chest and breathed deeply to calm himself. With Devroe in his custody he knew his problems were only beginning in earnest. Soon they would face a flood of difficulties. But he felt more steady with Lark at his side. He had not dared to hope for love after the tragedy of Ora's death. But his future seemed to be brighter since he had met Lark. As the night faded into the dewy haze of early morning they sat together discussing their life together and tactfully ignored the encroaching shadows.

Over the next few weeks, preparations for the wedding began. Lark ordered a dress of black velvet dripping with clear gems like drops of water cascading from the gathered bust. A black veil was ordered to match along with a dramatic cloak lined with purple silk that would fall to the ground behind her as she approached August at the altar. It would be an intimidating and powerful statement made simply by her attire, a declaration of her strength and power that could not be ignored. Sara's black silk gown would be understated but beautiful, hugging her ample curves beautifully. Lark had noticed that her handmaid was spending more time in the library as the weather changed. She knew it must be to visit Bernard. It filled her heart with warmth to think of the two of them together whispering and laughing in the many shadowed alcoves of the library. They were blissfully in love, existing only in their own soft and gentle reality. Any memories of Devroe's attack seemed to have vanished from Sara's mind and been replaced with images of Bernard's face.

August had set a date and sent many invitations. Some were rejected outright, many were accepted, and word of the wedding was beginning to spread throughout the territories. Even those who had not been involved or invited had begun to learn of the event and react to the news. Many were outraged, furious that their own ladies and noblewomen had been passed over for a human woman. Some territories which had previously been allies began to voice their anger and withdraw their support. But some stayed firmly beside August and his impressive army. It was safer to stay quiet and accept his choice. He had spent much of his time conferring with William on how to handle the mounting tension and awaiting the council's word on how to handle Devroe's act of violence. But they seemed uninterested in the imprisoned vampire even as he slowly began to starve. August had not deemed it necessary to feed the monster confined to the feeding room and simply allowed him to slowly rot. He had become gaunt and weak and his mind was beginning to twist and warp from his solitary existence. But before long the council would finally speak out. On a cool, windy night they convened at a secluded castle in the nearby mountains. August gave his testimony with Lark at his side, though she was not permitted to speak in the presence of the council. They brought Devroe with them, chained tightly to prevent his escape. However it barely seemed necessary. He was now only a shell, empty of any sensation or desire besides his deepening bloodlust. He screamed and clawed frantically towards Lark, the only human in the room. His hunger was beginning to take full control of his senses. There was nothing but hunger. Lark stood by impassively, barely granting him a second glance as he contorted on the black stone floor of the grand hall where the council was seated. They were impressed by her stalwart and confident appearance, unfazed by the beast at her feet. Having learned of August's intention to marry her they had been doubtful of the legitimacy of the union. But some now considered that while it was unconventional, at least this human woman was strong willed and courageous. She might help to shape August into a better ruler. And given her human constitution, she would not live long enough to interfere greatly with their goals. After a lengthy trial and debate, they granted them permission to marry and gave them power over Devroe's fate. He was returned to the feeding room to await their final judgement.

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