35. By Any Other Name

Start from the beginning

"I believe I am carrying the lord's child, Sara," she whispered. Sara's eyes widened. Lark had not thought it was possible and it was clear that Sara had felt similarly.

"How?" she asked breathlessly.

"It's quite rare. Even with all of our study in the library I did not see a single instance. I do believe that some of the lines of succession in the lordship might be a result of unions like this. But most lords do not marry their pets. They simply integrate their offspring into vampire society when very young. Perhaps some take on surrogate vampire mothers once their children are weaned. August has told me one of his confidants was raised this way. His mother was treated as his wet nurse. How hard must it have been for her to hold her child and know he could never be aware of her true identity." Sara was completely fascinated.

"Will the child be human?"

"The curse that afflicts vampires will afflict my child also. Regretfully they will not be able to have children of their own. It seems that even in rare instances like mine the offspring are not fertile. But it would be nearly impossible to prove their viability either way. No records exist that I have found. I can imagine only the Council is aware of the true number of vampires among us that were born rather than made. But that is what August suggested to me. Not enough examples of born vampires exist to be sure. But I do feel so fortunate to have what I have so desired. I had assumed that I would never have children with such a husband. But now I might have a true family. But they will live many more lifetimes than I will be granted."

Lark tried to shake off her sorrow. The thought of leaving August behind when her mortal life ended was heavier than it had once been. She had not wanted to become immortal but now it seemed that she would be doomed to age as her husband and child remained young and unchanged. It would be a tragic experience but a beautiful one as well. She would be lucky to even see the birth of her child, let alone to spend the rest of eternity beside them. Sara was too overcome with excitement to see that her friend had deflated. Her upbeat attitude was infectious and soon Lark was smiling again.

"Have you chosen names?" Sara asked exuberantly. Lark tilted her head in thought. She hadn't even considered it. She had been so worried about protecting herself and her developing child that she had pushed away any clear or distinct thoughts of the future. But even if the baby didn't survive she knew she would want them to have their own name. She knew she would love them.

"I haven't," she admitted. "I had scarcely thought of it. The birth is so many months away."

But her mind swam with the possibilities. When August awoke she would ask him his opinion. Suddenly it was all she could think of. That and Devroe's escape. It was impossible to tell what his retaliation might be. Or perhaps they would be fortunate and he would flee. Lark doubted this was possible.

When night fell and Sara returned to her room, Lark embroidered until the night fell. The swans were nearly complete. When August began to stir she rushed to his side. He hadn't slept well, shifting and groaning as he fought demons in his nightmares. But when awoke the demons were still all around him. Only now they were invisible to the eye and existed only deep within his anxieties. He told Lark of Vayn's disappearance and she was rightfully concerned. Lark knew she was capable of it. Vayn had always been ruthless and capable. She was an excellent fighter, wielded her blades expertly, and stalked the castle nightly. It was only her that would have had the motive.

"After the wedding I think we should head deeper into the mountains," August explained. "To an estate closer to the peak. It's easily defensible, hard to access, and a beautiful place for a honeymoon. We need only bring a small group of servants to attend to us. It will be safer with fewer wandering eyes." Lark agreed.

"Will we stay until after the birth?" she asked. The confidence in her voice warmed August's heart. He pulled her close to him and laid her head on his chest.

"Yes, my love," he said softly into her hair. She blushed deeply, sinking against him as if into a hot bath. His scent enveloped her and she folded against his cool body, tucking her head under his chin.

"And soon we marry," she breathed. She could scarcely believe it. The past months may have been tumultuous but she felt her life was truly beginning here in the presence of the man she wanted to keep beside her for the rest of her life. He nodded and stroked her hair slowly as Lark smiled and suppressed a delighted laugh. He guided her face gently upwards and his lips found hers, softly at first and then with deepening passion. His hands began to roam over her body and she sighed contentedly and laid back, reaching beneath his bedclothes to feel his bare skin against her palms. As their ardor increased and he laid down over her she could think of nothing but him. His hair fell over his shoulders and framed her delicate face like a dark wreath. She seemed so fragile and temporary beneath him, her human life so short and her body so weak. But she was stronger than she appeared and more fearsome that he could have ever anticipated. As they began moving as one body and their ecstatic cries filled the room, both could only think of the heady pleasure of their union and their future together.

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