20. Hygate Dilemma

Start from the beginning

August smiled coldly, fixing his eyes on Bernard.

"Do you see my dilemma?" he asked. Bernard nodded and his face fell.

"There is much to consider," Bernard admitted.

"And no time for it," William retorted. "The council meeting is tomorrow evening. We should not be hasty but we should be resolute." He had a look of pride but also of fear. He had long hoped August would give him a territory to rule. Perhaps this was his chance. He had always been a loyal and effective partner and knew he was capable of the task. "It would be my honor to oversee Hygate's integration," he announced.

Bernard appeared amused.

"I cannot argue against it," he admitted. "William is more than capable." The pair shared a friendly smile.

August was quiet. He was contemplating the positives and negatives of ervey scenario. But his mind was clouded. Lark still danced in the back of his head and he was too distracted to come to any conclusion. Frustrated, he pushed back from the desk suddenly and startled both Bernard and William.

"Bring Lark to me," he said softly. William raised an incredulous eyebrow.

"My Lord, we are occupied with this debate," he protested. "We must reach a decision at once."

August held up a firm hand to quiet him.

"Bernard often speaks of Lark's intelligence and her knowledge of my kingdom. I value her opinion. Go retrieve her immediately."

William's eyes widened in shock and he hesitated for a moment before rising and rushing from the office. August had never called a woman to a meeting, let alone a human. He was in such a daze that he faltered at the door to her chamber. Why would he need her opinion?

Bernard studied August closely as the Lord sat dejectedly at his desk. He could feel some doubt building inside of him. Was this a sign that August was weakening? He could see the determination and desperation on his Lord's face and hoped that Lark could at least offer him some clarity. He had often complimented his young pupil. She was wiser and cleverer than he had imagined possible and had poured many hours into her studies. Perhaps she might offer a valuable perspective. By the time William burst back into the room, dragging Lark behind him, Bernard's worries had already begun to fade.

Lark appeared flushed and bewildered as she stumbled into the office. Her confused expression softened as she laid eyes on August. Bernard watched as the Lord's eyes warmed and his body relaxed. He beckoned Lark to him. She curtsied to him and Bernard who nodded coolly.

"My Lord?" she asked with a quizzical look. "Can I be of some assistance?"

August rose and took her hand. Lark nearly withdrew it from him in the presence of Bernard and William but managed to calm her racing heart. It felt like months since she had seen him last. Despite his troubled look and lack of decorum she could not deny him.

"There has been a development," August explained quickly. "Whitlock is dead and a matter of great importance is upon us. I desire your input if you are willing."

Lark's face reddened. She was flattered but quite intimidated by the suggestion. Why would he seek her advice? She was nothing but a pet. She bowed her head humbly.

"It would be a privilege," she responded. She didn't allow the news of Whitlock's death to phase her but did feel a strange sense of relief. The ruthless vampire was well known in Ferin. Few would mourn his death.

"There is a council meeting tomorrow night. The vampire council which oversees this continent. Before that meeting we must reach a decision on this matter. We must decide whether or not to absorb Hygate into my kingdom...or not."

Lark was stunned. She had never considered the consequences of Whitlock's defeat. This was a serious matter. She turned to Bernard and William.

"What are our options?"

The three men explained briefly the possibilities as Lark listened intently. As they finished she nodded. Her mind had been made.

"We must offer the people of Hygate some compensation for their former suffering," she concluded. "They have not known peace. It is our duty to offer them a benevolent ruler. They are lost."

The men were contemplative as she continued.

"They are human like me. They deserve the happiness I have found. Our resources will be sufficient to support us all as long as the most recent information can be trusted. Their population is less than ours and our farms have been fruitful this year. Our forests thrive as do the people. Certainly we afford less luxuries here and redirect that wealth to their citizens."

Contempt flickered in William's eyes but he stayed silent. He had never heard a human speak in this way and he sensed her judgement of them. They had access to much of the wealth in the surrounding territories. Their people were happy and healthy but vampires had held power since the pandemic. He would regret the loss of his exorbitant pension and lifestyle. Bit he could understand the need for sacrifice. Bernard spoke up in support for Lark.

"I agree with her," he said simply. He was human himself and understood her values deeply. He had once been a poor child from a family in poverty. He had clawed his way to this prestigious position with his stubbornness and confidence. But he had once suffered in Hygate, a fact which nome but August was aware of. The Lord fixed him with a knowing look and then turned to William.

"Your thoughts, my friend?"

"The logic is correct," he grumbled. "We have the means to ration more efficiently. The impact would be only slightly detrimental. But you would need a man to oversee the transition."

Lark hid a smile. She could already guess William's intention. August nodded and rose quickly from his chair.

"Then it is settled. Hygate is now the territory of Ferin. And William shall have dominion over it until the process is complete."

William grinned and brightened. He stood proudly and gave his Lord a deep bow.

"I am honored, my Lord," he responded. "I shall go begin preparations for our announcement to the council." He hesitated before meeting Lark's eyes. "You have proven yourself useful," he said curtly. But his eyes were filled with admiration. He left the office and Bernard followed close behind. Before he exited he leaned toward Lark, bending his tall frame to whisper in her ear.

"You have done well."

As he disappeared into the hallway Lark finally found herself alone with August. He was beaming at her proudly with her hand still held in his own.

"You are a treasure," he said softly. Lark felt her knees weaken under his direct gaze. She opened her mouth to reply but he stopped her. "Come. We will talk in my chamber."

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