Special I Finale: Touch Me Not

Start from the beginning

"I, of all people, would've hoped you'd handled it like the adult you are." He retorted calmly.

"Excuse me?"

"Your opinions are fine, you are entitled to those, but you've shown nothing but how spoiled you are since the moment my crew and I have landed. I thought more of you, even if I'd only known you for a few minutes."

"Those few minutes were horrid."

"You didn't make it seem so."

"Why are you trying to make me the villain here? How many ways must you be shown that you are not wanted?"

"Not wanted by you."

"By any of-"

"Not wanted by you. Do you plan on looking at your people and telling them you've sent me and my men away? How you despised me so much you'd send back everything we've brought and leave them with what?" He touched his chest. "People like us do not always get what we want because of these stupid titles. We do what must be done and we die, that is all. This is no more than a transaction."

You laughed. "One where I haven't been involved in any bartering?"
"You look me in the eyes, princess, and tell me you'd rather run away with someone who hasn't even shown you their face and let your people starve."

"How would they starve? They haven't so far."

"They've been surviving thus far. Your livestock grew depleted and your orchards are time consuming, since you've made it so you're the only one who can truly maintain them."

"So what then?" Your hands came together in a frustrated clap. "What is it you've come to tell me? Was it something of importance or did you just come here to taunt me? To tell me all I'm doing wrong?"

"I did not come here to taunt you, princess. Why would I taunt you? I want to know what goes on in your head-"

"Oh aren't you just charming." You rolled your eyes. "You've made it abundantly clear that there's a plethora of things we will never agree on, however I still want to know how it is that you function." He continued.

"Why in all the world would I give you the satisfaction?"

"I cannot make you, but I'd rather not learn about you from the lens of your parents when you are right here."

"My children don't seem to trust you." A voice cold and raspy spoke. "Please pardon my intrusion." She tried to sit up, pressing gently her weight on her elbow. "Ah, well look there." She pointed to the back entrance. "They're like that around most new faces, it takes them time to come around." You looked to the doorway, two pairs of eyes watching the three of you. 

"I think, princess, that they've taken after you more than me, given how often I'm confined to my bed. Though they are not with you every waking moment, they talk about you as if they are." She waved them over, two small bodies climbing into the bed and to her sides as she pushed up completely. "They still have minds of their own. What do you think of this strange prince, Ayla? Aelius?" A hand on one's head and the other on one's side as they leaned in.

"I don't know, but his people have been kind."

"They fixed the blacksmith's roof!"

"Traitors, the both of you." You stuck your tongue out. 

"Honest, princess! Honest!"

"I think they could fix more things if they stayed."

"And the giant roasted beast! It was huge, princess!"

"Did you see it?"

"Did you see how long it took to cook it?"

"You smelt it, didn't you?"

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