I | Sleeping Beauty | I

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It had been a few days. Y/n had not woken up in that time,

until now.

First, she started to move a bit around, but it was not very noticeable if you would not pay full attention to it.

Then the girl started to smell an awfully familiar sense. It was the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. It made her feel safe, but she did not know why. The princess could not place the sense, but somehow it was very comforting to her.

Y/n laid comfortably, better than she had been when she went to sleep. It was not very hard to lay more comfortable than she had been when falling asleep, seeing the fact that she laid onto the bare ground of the woods, not even being bothered to place leaves as a sort of matres. The girl's back did hurt but this time not because the ground beneath her was too hard, but because she had been laying on the ground for several days.

It was warm, and she could feel some weight on top of her. Which the princess, first thought it was Patches, but then she realized the weight was spread over her whole body, so could never be the little cat.

But, then it hit her. She was not in the woods anymore, She was not outside anymore and She was not with the cat any more.

Someone had brought her inside.

The more time went by, the more the girl was starting to think she had become crazy. Her thoughts were wandering around, she tried to stay calm, but it did not work. The only thing that her mind was spending time on, was the fact that she was not where the girl was supposed to be. Y/n had fallen asleep in the woods, and now the girl was here. Not exactly sure what meant here, but definitely somewhere else.

"You think she is going to wake up soon though?" The words that had left someone's mouth - Which the princess could not recognize the person's voice - filled the cold air. It was now that the girl noticed, two people had been talking all time since she had woken up.

"They will be fine, clay." The girl could not entirely place the name.  the girl had said, some man's name, yet it was not very clear.

"You sure?" Y/n had to admit that the voice that filled the air every time, made her stomach grow butterflies. With every word that had been said by the man, made the butterflies come alive and took control over the princess' whole body. it felt like a betrayal as if her body purposely betrayed her without the princess herself not knowing why.

"They're Y/n, of course, she will be fine."The fact that both of the people that were talking knew the girl's name, scared her a bit. She had heard the man's name, but could not place it, then why did they know her name?

"Thanks, Drista." 'Fuck, why am I so incredibly stupid.' That was the first thought that came into Y/n's mind when she heard the man say the little girl's name.

The girl had no idea what to do. One part of her brain said, to let them know she was alive and had woken up, meanwhile, the other part was saying, not to and to just pretend she was still asleep. However, after some worthless seconds waiting to make the decision, she decided to act like she was still sleeping, so she could overhear them. Y/n knew it was bad, and she should not be doing that, but she was just curious what they would say when she was not around. Okay, 'not around' was not exactly the setup, let's say: 'when the girl was unconscious.'

"You really like her, don't you?" Drista was now starting a really dangerous game and especially because Y/n was able to hear them. Now, of course, the little girl did not know, but she still indirectly asked Dream to commit his love to Y/n. Somehow, it felt a bit like betray, as Y/n knew she was overhearing an extremely private conversation, but the curiosity was big. She wanted to know if something had actually happened between them, or that the flirting was just meant as a joke and nothing more.

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