VII | Sleepover | VII

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"Dinner is ready girls!" Niki yelled as they were just done. They took the muffins with them as they thought it was nice to put them in the oven again so when they went upstairs they would have warm muffins. Niki had made dinner for the girls, as she pretty much liked cooking.

After dinner, they helped Niki clean the dining table, which took way longer than normal but seeing the fact that had never done that before, Niki had to explain everything. Niki had made some popcorn for them and some other snacks to eat. It was not that late probably around seven or eight and the sun had already settled itself.

They all settled themselves on Dream's bed when Drista broke the silence by telling a story. They had all agreed to tell stories about their childhood, and mainly just embarrassing ones as they thought it was funny. Everyone sat legged-cross on the bed and the food was in the middle, so they could easily grab something if they wanted.

"So, when I was younger, eight or something, Clay tried to learn me how to ride a bike. He had this like new one and I couldn't ride a bike yet so he offered me to learn it. We were in the town of Edessa, so there were a lot of people and I yelled from the top of my lungs that my brother was trying to kill me. Clay had to explain to everyone that he was just learning me how to ride a bike." Everyone laughed when Drista told her story.

"Were people worried when you yelled that?" Niki says as she grabbed some popcorn.

"Yup, that is why Clay had to tell them he was just learning me how to ride a bike, and not actually trying to murder me." The little girl explained to her as she was still laughing.

"At least you can ride a bike now?" Y/n says.

"Well, that's the point. I can't. When I was yelling Clay immediately placed me on the ground and told me to stop screaming, I did so later he refused to ever teach me it again. Every time I asked someone if they could teach me, they would bring this up." She explained to the girl.

"Alright Niki, your turn to embarrass yourself!" The princess spoke up

"I do not have a lot of stories or anything I remember, but I think this is a good one. I remember my neighbors setting up a slip 'n' slide. My parents were friends with them and they were there too. I was very interested in watching all of them slide, but I did not want to do it myself. I was just too scared. My dad, however, decided to throw me down it. Afterward, I cried for a solid 10 minutes, meanwhile, they were dying of laughter. It did not hurt or anything, it was mainly just the shock that my father did that." Niki could not hold her own laugh when she was telling her story.

"Alright my turn!" Y/n says as she threw a piece of popcorn towards Drista. The little girl just was so busy laughing that she did not even notice it.

"So When I was about 7 or so, I was getting up from the dinner table and I felt a sneeze coming on. I tried to hold it as we had visitors around and I did not want to sneeze in front of them. But, the more I held my sneeze, the worse it got and when I could not hold it anymore, I sneezed so hard that my head went down and bashed into the back of my chair. This was not really my proudest moment." All three were laughing again and seeing the fact that it was night and the only thing that filled the air were funny stories, they laughed more and more.

"Okey I actually have another one," Drisa says as she threw now some popcorn to Y/n.

"I was in school and we were having some sort of class, I don't know which one anymore. Anyway, my teacher asked us what we thought a 'shooting star' was...I knew this answer was so stupid. I said I like to think it's a unicorn granting wishes or something stupid like that. Literally never been more embarrassed. The whole class laughed and as soon as it left my mouth my brain caught up. Since then I never went to public school anymore and this was literally the reason." Drista said as she took almost a whole muffin in her mouth.

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