VIII | Unexpected | VIII

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Y/n woke up because of some footsteps from behind the door. Niki had told Y/n that she would wake them up, so they could clean the room and Dream would not notice anything. Even though it was early, the sun had already risen and it came right through the window and landed on the bed. That was too when the girl realized she had actually slept in his bed and was wearing his hoodie.

Both Y/n and Drista sat up as they needed to clean up the mess they had made. The three wooden bowls with crisps, popcorn, and muffins laid still on the ground with loads of cushions next to them. They had left those when they had their pillow fight, and because it was so late they forgot that it was such a mess. Luckily they now had all the time to clean it.

The door of the room opened, there was no knocking or anything, which was a little weird seeing the fact that Niki always knocked before she came in, but Y/n thought it was probably because she was in a hurry or so. A tall figure walked through the door and it took Y/n and Drista a moment before they realized who it was.

"What the fuck?" Dream stood in the door frame, having no clue about what was going on, seeing two girls with food and pillows everywhere. His eyes widened the further he came in as he now realized they had made a fort next to his bed. While Y/n could not bring herself to say anything, Drista grabbed one of the muffins in front of her.

"Muffin?" The little princess asked as she had shoved almost a whole muffin into her own mouth. Y/n was silent for a bit but then she realized that Drista just had offered him a muffin, she was dying of laughter.

"What the hell is going on." Dream did not sound mad or anything, which was relieving for both the girls. The man could not even be mad, seeing the fact that he just was too confused. He was one day away and they had turned his room into some sort of fort.

"Well, we wanted to have a sleepover and your room is the biggest. Besides you stole half of my pillows, so we wanted to get them back. Also, we wanted to clean the mess, so no one would find out." Drista explained honestly.

"Wait did you sleep in my bed?" The man said as he looked over at Y/n who was still sitting on it, legged-cross.

"Her fault." Y/n pointed at Drista who had now grabbed a handful of popcorn. Y/n looked Dream dead in the eye, until he looked away, over to Drista, who was just trying to eat in peace. When now both Dream and Y/n we're looking at here, she paused for a second before chewing again.

"Wait, but how can that possibly be Drista's fault. I mean you can choose yourself where you want to sleep right." Dream said as he looked over at Y/n again.

"Well, normally yes, however, we played truth or dare. And you may be wondering what the hell that has to do with me sleeping on your bed, well that was the dare Drista gave me. She dared me to sleep in your bed and I could not really say no. Besides, I do not really regret it if I am completely honest, because this bed is extremely comfortable. And damn did I sleep well. Literally, did you get a new one or something?" Dream and Drista had a hard time keeping up with what the girl was saying as her pace was extremely fast.

"Okay? Whatever. Wait do you have my hoodie on?" Dream said as he had not noticed until now the hoodie she was wearing.

"Well, thanks, Drista's fault too," Y/n said before anyone else could say anything.

"Also because of a dare?" The man raised one eyebrow and walked toward the bed. Dream was now leaning against a vertical beam at the end of the bed, just like Niki had done in the door frame the other night. The beam held his full body weight. Somehow, Y/n was very attracted to the man when he did this.

"No this one not. I was extremely cold and thought I was about to die because of hypothermia. I first laid in the fort with Drista, which was alright but when she forced me to sleep here, I was just too cold. She threw me a hoodie and I first rejected her offer, but when I almost froze to my death, I decided to put it on." The girl had slowed down her talking pace, nevertheless, it was still pretty fast.

Game of Jealousy \\ Y/n x DWT \\Where stories live. Discover now