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I'm a good girl, aren't I?

Two Months Later,

She shut her eyes in pain and bit aggressively on her lower lip as she clutched her abdomen tightly. It was hurting a lot for some reason, not like the usual cramps and she's not even on her period, speaking of that, it's already late. And in minutes her entire stomach started paining her and she couldn't hold it anymore.

Mima picked up her phone and called the driver to get the car ready, she needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible. She quickly wore a hijab over her jumpsuit and grabbed her phone and purse before leaving the room. No one is at home so she closed the house and kept the keys under the door mat.

"Nisa Premier" The driver nodded and zoomed out. For some reason I've been feeling an unusual weight inside my stomach. Could it be that...I'm perhaps pregnant? Cause all the symptoms are revealing themselves. I puke out almost every time and I get a high temperature at times.

After we arrived, I checked in and completed all the formalities then I sat at the waiting area. I went into doctor's office after the last woman came out.

"Good Afternoon" I greeted after shutting the door and I immediately recognized the lady it was
Dr Rayhana, a daughter to one of Ammi's friends.

"Is that Mima?" I nodded with a smile and we exchanged pleasantries.

"Long time. How have you been? I heard you got hitched".

"Yeah, almost a year now" I smiled. "My mom came for the wedding but I couldn't cause I was attending a seminar in London at that time". I replied with an 'Oh'.

"Okay, so what's your problem?". She asked typing away on her desktop.

"Well, I've been having unusual stomach pains and feeling of uneasiness, and I puke a lot, sometimes at even the smell of some things" She nodded attentively and adjusted her glasses.

"Okay, when was the last time you saw your period?" She asked.

"Two months ago".

"So I have a guess, but that's quiet unprofessional so we're going to take your urine for a pregnancy test" I nodded and she gave me a transparent bottle with a blue lid.

"Pee inside this and I'll have it sent to the lab" I collected the bottle and went into the stainless toilet where I peed into the bottle and rinsed both my hands and the bottle before I submitted it to a nurse.

"Your result will be ready in 40 minutes".

1 hour later,

Hajarah's Pov

I slept off in the waiting area for an hour and my result must have been out by now. I quickly rushed to Dr Rayhana's office and thank goodness she was alone.

"I was just about to send a nurse to call you, my shift will be over in a few minutes" She smiled and picked up the white envelope on her desk.

"Oh thank you" I collected the envelope with shaky hands and unsealed it.

I opened the white paper and the first word my eyes landed on was the word 'Positive'.

Does this mean that I'm pregnant?! Ya Allah! Me? Myself? I'm carrying a child?!

I almost screamed in happiness and shock but I kept it low. "I can see the joy in your eyes, congratulations Mrs Ammar Magaji, you're two months along" She smiled and I nodded uncontrollably with tears in my eyes.

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