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For those of you that don't know, I've published my new book please check it out and be sure to tell your friends about it too! Trust me, it's lovely!🤧🤧


Hajarah's Pov

"Mal!!" I squealed excitedly as I opened the door and saw who it was.

"Jara!!" She hugged me tightly. "I missed you biátch! How have you been?" She asked as I moved for her to get in

"Full fine! Where's my brother?" We both sat down on the sofa and she was looking around.

"Still sleeping. What's up?".

"Life, school, boredom and annoyance!" She groaned

"Who's Annoying you?" I chuckled.

"Who else apart from that Ikram girl, she's so annoying! I'm starting to hate her tbh. She came back from the so called India yesterday without her mother and is living in our house now and it doesn't seem like she's going to go back to Kano." She ranted.

"Don't hate her, she's your cousin. But why without her mom?".

"I don't know! We all asked her but she said that she's coming back later on cause her treatment isn't finished. I just hope she doesn't create any problems for you and Yaya Ammar."

"Don't worry, trust me. She's got zero chances to come between me and my husband. It's high time she finds herself love, it's getting old and boring" I rolled my eyes

"That's more like it sisturr!" We high fived and my phone which is on the couch that Malika is sitted on.

"Who did you save as.. Bee.... is that poop emoji? Oh my goodness who's that?" She laughed.

"Your brother" I said and she gasped. "My brother is no bee poop!"

"But he's my sweet sweet honey and basically, honey is bee poop" I grinned and she said 'oh'.

"How romantic! But you said he's home"

"Yeah! Lemme go and check" I stood up and adjusted my shirt sleeves. I just finished making breakfast

I went to our room and met him tapping away on his phone. "Good morning" I turned on the lights.

"Morning babe." He replied. "You called me?" He nodded.

"I just received an email from a very influential businessman in Qatar, he's requesting my presence at a friendly business meeting with other businessmen in his country" He said and I squealed

"Really?! I'm so proud of you baby" I hugged him tightly.

"Thanks babe, but..I'm going alone" I stared at him as if he's grown two heads.

"But why?" I asked in annoyance.

"Your exams is fast approaching and I want you to do nothing other than focusing on your studies, and you'll be attending lectures in the next two days, I don't want to be responsible for you having any issues with you studies my love" He reasoned.

"You're right but it's just two days! I can cover up".

"No, you're not coming with me and that's final. I'm sorry" He pecked me and got up.

"My flight is by 5am tomorrow" He disappeared into the bathroom.

Sighing angrily at my luck, I removed the previous bedsheets and changed them. I folded the duvet properly and kept it in its place.
Without waiting for him to come out I went downstairs

DESTINED HEARTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें