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We're already in chapter Thirty yay!!❤️🥺

I'm such a good girl😌

Next day,



The house was as rowdy as ever as everyone was either waiting to get their make up done, already ready or looking for one thing or another. Meanwhile, the bride was in her room getting her three hour make up done. It's taking forever!

"The makeup is going to be cleaned anyway, I mean it's been three hours!" Mima groaned. "You're a bride for a reason ma'am" The friendly make up artist, Huda whom she's already gotten used to chuckled.

"Arghh" She groaned once again.  "Don't worry we're almost done".
The final touch was over and it was time to tie the headgear, another wahala. In exactly twenty minutes she was done tying the headgear which cost help from her partner.

After they were done, she wore her lovely white bridal ball gown. It was fitted in the bust area where it had a white net lace, the sleeves weren't that long but showed half of her henna on each hand.

Huda helped her to clip her set of matching jewelry and pinned the white lacy veil which came with the gown on the head gear so it won't fall off. Then she wore her silver shaded heels.

"Your purse, bride?" She smiled as she handed her the matching purse she is supposed to carry throughout the event. It had her only her phone inside.

It was only the girls and the bride that were at home, all the other guests have left already.

"Our bride oo, stand up let's go now, even the groom himself is outside the hall waiting for you" Nana said.

"Is it my fault?" She glared at her. "No, it's mine now let's go! Come on!" She faked a smile. She held her dress as they all went downstairs along with Huda whom was also attending the event.

The girls started hooting and yelling as soon as she came on sight. She looked beautiful! Like real beautiful princess right from a fairytale.

"I hope my brother doesn't faint at all this beauty, omooo!" Malika said making all of them laugh. "Does he have a reason not to?!" Jawahir said and they all laughed once again and took some selfies before the finally decided to leave.

The bridesmaids asoebi is a lemon green and a touch of dark green lace, everyone has his own style of gown.


They soon arrived at the event hall where they met the groom and his groomsmen outside waiting.

Jabbar's heart skipped a beat immediately he saw Mahnoor. She looked utterly gorgeous in that attire, no she does in every attire she wears! He couldn't keep his eyes off her really.

"Woah dude! Calm down who are you staring at like that?" Jafar asked after rudely interrupting my special moment

"Can you mind your business for once?" He said in an annoyed tone. "He's right dude, I've also noticed it" Mumtaz said

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