VII | Sleepover | VII

Start from the beginning

"Wait what? I thought you were very unhappy at that school and that was why you did not go anymore?" Y/n says as she grabbed some food herself too.

"Mwell, yes I always twell people that bwecause I do not want to embwrasse myswelf. Besides, after that happened I was unhappy becwause everyone brought it up all the twime, so I twechnicwally did not lie." You could barely hear what Drista was saying, as she still had half a muffin in her mouth.

After telling some other stories as well, they decided it was a good idea to do something else. They had books brought with them, but they thought it was more fun to play a game or so.

"Alright then, let's play truth or dare," Y/n spoke up, as the others were brainstorming about what to do.

"I'm in!" Drista says quickly.

"Alright, so am I!" Niki answered as well.

"Okay, Y/n, truth or dare?" Drista continued.

"Truth?" The noise was as unsure as she was about answering it.

"Do you like my brother?" Drista's singing voice did not make it any better. She knew exactly that Y/n did not want to answer it, and even though she already knew the answer, she wanted to hear it from Y/n, coming out of her mouth. The girl stared right into the little princess' eyes, looking dead serious.

"Dare." She says as she is still looking and not blinking once.

"Okay, I dare you to," Drista waited for a moment and looked around to see if she could come up with a good dare, "So, I dare you to put a whole muffin into your mouth." The girl said while chuckling.

"Ugh, whatever I hate you." With that said, she grabbed one of the baking trays. They had put a wooden cutting board underneath the baing tray to keep the bed clean.

"I know, just do it, you have are the one who agreed on this." Having a grin on her face that Y/n really wanted to wipe off. She shoved the muffin in her mouth and inhaled deeply through her nose before eating the whole thing. Luckily it was the worst thing ever, she could have had way worse dares.

"Alright, Niki. Truth or dare." Y/n spoke up when she could finally speak again.

"Truth I guess." Niki had no idea what kind of question she was going to ask and got a bit nervous. however, she knew that she was lucky because Drista would mainly focus on Y/n, which meant that Y/n would also focus on Drista.

"Do you actually like to be my maid, or would you rather be someone else?" Even though it could be a very dangerous question, it was not, seeing the fact that Niki really liked her job.

"I actually do like it and nope, I would never want to serve anyone else rather than you. I mean I would not mind some people, like Drista or Dream, but that does not mean I would rather serve them instead of you." She explained, being relieved it was not a bad question.

"Y/n, truth or dare?" The woman asked.

"Truth." This time there was a lot more confidence in her voice, however, the confidence she actually had was even lower than before. She was nervous, as she had no idea what they would ask her.

"Do you like Dream?" Looking proudly over to Drista.

"Ugh, dare." Even though you were not allowed to switch they did not say anything about it. Drista had cockily put a piece of popcorn in her mouth, being completely amused. Niki was having her moment too as she thought it was very funny.

"I dare you to put a whole muffin into your mouth." Both Niki and Drista were dying of laughter now, and could not hold it anymore. Drista put her head in a cushion that lay next to her and Niki put her face in her hands.

Game of Jealousy \\ Y/n x DWT \\Where stories live. Discover now