Kazuichi Souda

511 11 6

Hajimes pov

I couldn't believe it. Out of everyone here I never thought it would be the most relatively normal one here!

"hi guys it's great to see you again! I mean I know I've been here the whole time but I never got to show my true colours so here I am!" he giggled nervously.

"what the fuck" fuyuhiko muttered "its you!"

"yeah it's me!" kazuichi giggled "aren't you guys proud of me? I finally did something with my miserable existence" he rambled on in a way nagito would be proud of.

"how would any of us be proud of this!" I yelled.

"oh I see the confusion. You haven't remembered your past yet" a grin spread across kazuichis face "well you guys were remnants of Dispair. You helped junko take over the world and killed anyone who got in your way"

"that can't be!" Sonia covered her mouth in shock.

"oh but it is!" kazuichi grinned "you were the best miss Sonia. You got your own loyal subjects to become bloodthirsty murderers. It was so awesome to see!"

"I think I'm going to be sick" Sonia muttered as her face turned pale.

Kazuichi pouted "you know I can't help but feel a little disappointed. I thought for sure you guys would be proud of what I accomplished but its like I'm taking to entirely different people! Especially in your case hajime"

"what do you mean in my case?" I asked nervously.

"what you didn't know? You actually izuru Kamakura!"

I froze. Izuru Kamakura. What does that mean? And why dose it sound so fermilier?

"you see back when we were at hopes peak hajime admired the academy" kazuichi explained "He admired it so much that he sighed up to become a lab rat for hopes peak. From their they messed around with his brain till there was no more hajime and only izuru remained"

I stared in stunned silence. I'm not even myself in the real world. How am I supposed to accept that!

"it's was was so cool to see you go so far" their was a insane look in kazuichis eyes. It looked similar to nagitos but more demented if that's even possible! "To become an entirely different person in order to be useful. That's far more than what I could ever-"

"that's enough!" Sonia yelled with tears in her eyes "please kazuichi we're not those people anymore so please stop all this!"

Kazuichi paused for a moment, the smile had left his face "I failed you?" he said slowly before pulling out a knife as a grin crept up his face "I think it's punishment Time!"

He placed the knife against his arm. We all quickly moved to stop him. We pushed him down and pinned him to the ground.

"hey come on. Just one little cut. I promise it'll be quick!" he giggled like a mad man.

"just hold still you crazy son of a bitch!" fuyuhiko yelled at him.

I couldn't bear to look at him. My own friends insane! Why did things have to turn out this way!

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