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Mokotos pov

I couldn't believe it. Out of everyone here I never thought it would be the most chill one here!

"oh you found me out. Bummer. Guess I didn't hide my tracks as well as I thought I did" Hiro shrugged.

"Hiro I don't believe this" hina muttered in disbelief "what happened to wanting to get out? I thought you were scared of the killing game!"

"oh yeah funny story. I kinda lied about that whole thing" Hiro chuckled nervously "I figured you wouldn't suspect me if I acted scared and it worked! Well it did until this moment" he sighed.

"I must say I'm very impressed with this charade" Byakuya smirked "honestly I'm a little embarrassed I didn't catch onto it sooner. I mean no one can possibly be that idiotic!"

"aww you think I'm stupid" Hiro pouted.

"I don't understand why you even did this" I muttered "I mean you seemed like a good person. Why kill us like this!?"

"Well it's nothing against you guys. It's just something I had to do" Hiro said simply.

"something you had to do? what do you mean by that?" kyoko asked.

"ok well it's like this" Hiro started "exactly one year from now I got a vision that the end of the world was coming. That junko was going to lock us away in hopes peak and make us kill each other. I was hoping that it wouldn't be the case. That is was one 70% times that I got it wrong. But unfortunately the end of the world had come apon us and we had been locked up in hopes peak. The only thing that hadn't come true was junko playing the role of mastermind for she was met with an untimely death"

"s-so that's w-what happened junko" toko stuttered.

"I was wondering why she never updated me. I never thought it was cause she died" mukuro sighed.

"but she did!" Hiro said, almost sounding excited "I couldn't just leave things like that. If I did the cosmic gods would be angry and send out a far worse punishment on the world. So I did what was right and became the mastermind in her place" he almost sounded proud of himself. I couldn't believe how deluded he was!

"anyway its time to bring my vision to completion" he reached out to press the red button "its execution time!"

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