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"Lets see if these changes can change your opinion" were the last word harry had heard before he had opened his eyes and found himself in embrace of his mortal birth mother; lily evans. Her green eyes were shining with joy and pride as they looked down at him and her hands provided him with much needed warmth.

Although he hated acting like a child most of the times, it had it own perks like getting extra candy. As an adult you could eat as much as you want but the satisfaction of achieving something after giving someone puppy eyes has its own joy.

And harry was gratefully enjoying those perks even when they came with a price. Sharing.

Harry knew since the day he had died that fate hated him. Well not hate because it was a strong word but fate did possess a good amount of dislike toward him and he didn't understood why. He had even tried to treat her with food because food cures everything, doesn't it ?

It didn't. She had opened a portal right beneath his legs and dumped him in tartarus. Not cool. He hadn't tried after that. It didn't help that hecate was also pissed. It wasn't his fault that fate had settled him in a place where he had ben groomed to hate the dark side of magic, something hecate didn't wanted him to do.

His dear mother, chaos was angry that he didn't got her a in-law and they had a good fight that he didn't knew who he was when he was 'alive' and that the girl he had tried to love had gotten with others while he was trying to fight for his life. His father, lucifer had gladly taken the sideline along with death and life, having all fun laughing at what harry had for life.

So being thrown back wasn't something he had expected and that too being born with another boy. Death had appeared after some time and told him that it was the soul, harry had been replaced with very first time. He was still the first born and got named harry and the boy was named henry. And he even learnt that their names belonged to their great-grandfathers, maternal and paternal respectively.

Henry was quite a crybaby atleast harry belived so because having a adult mind stopped him from crying whenever he felt hungry, alone or well pooped or peed himself. He was sure his living condition would serve as another laughing stock for his so called companions and father.

"Lils" james potter groaned, his voice gruff and sleepy, "exchange" and before lily potter could refuse he picked up harry and left henry with lily and walked to the master bedroom and placed harry next to himself. "You know who is coming today harry ?" The man yawned messing up Harry's name at the end, "granny dorea, she is my aunt" and the man yawned once again, it looks like he didn't had a good night sleep.

"You my pronglet are going to take the title of potter heir when you grow up." The man smiled while he tried to mess with harry's already unruly hair, "well if you want to. I will try and get henry some training to and see who takes the place. Because I can't do politics to save my life and so does siri" and the man laughed at his own joke. When harry gave no reaction, james pouted and looked into harry's eyes, a frown forming on his lips, "you are weird"

Well not shit.

Dorea potter was an uptight woman it turns out. She corrected postures everytime and often tried to redo harry and henry's hair, she had completely given up.on james. But lily potter loved dorea Potter and so did others.

Since they were twins, dumbledore must have felt that they weren't prophesied children and thus there was no fidelus charm. Thankfully. But harry still dreaded the halloween when ut came and just to spikar his his suspicion death appeared in corner of nurse's, a mischevious smile plastered on his pale face and his golden eyes that had no iris only black void grazed at him in very 'death way'.

Lily and james potter left to have some meetings with the order. Henry was fast asleep in his respective crib while dorea  potter nee black was siting on rocking chair, a warm mug of coffee in her hand and a photo album in her lap. It was of her son that no longer breathed, rigel potter had died long before his father charles potter who joined his bother and sister in law in death lands due to dragon pox.

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