𝙻𝙸𝚇. 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚊

Start from the beginning

The boys looked so much like him. Regulus was even taller than him while Draco was just his height. The Malfoy boys have always been more restrained with their display of emotions but it didn't take more than one look at their father and they both smiled at him more brightly than they ever have.

A moment of silence fell upon the family when Lucius didn't see his daughter anywhere. He looked at his sons with anticipation before turning to his wife who was trying to avoid his gaze. As if his daughter's absence didn't already scare him ― Narcissa's wandering eyes made the anxious feeling grow.

"Where's Violetta?" Lucius asked and Narcissa immediately brought her gaze to his. "Cissa, where is she?"

Narcissa opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't say a word. Violetta's absence has been hard enough on her but telling her husband that his little girl was no longer part of the family was something Narcissa had begged to avoid.

"She's not here," Regulus answered, well-knowing that his mother was unable to say those words.

"W-why isn't she here? Where is she?" Lucius asked, worry taking over him as his tired eyes grew wide again.

Draco has seen his father worried several times in his life but none of those times was like this one. There was genuine fear shining from his eyes ― and it was well justified. He's been gone for a year and now he finds out that his daughter is somewhere and he had no idea.

"She ummm..." Regulus started and glanced at this mother who sighed heavily.

"Abraxas disowned her," Narcissa said, laying her hand on her husband's arm.

Lucius was bewildered. He had no words to say or emotions to show. He couldn't come up with a social reason why Abraxas had disowned Violetta ― other than the man has always loathed her.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Lucius asked as he began to walk towards the closest seat, Narcissa still keeping her hand on his arm in case he was going to disappear.

Once Lucius was seated, his gaze changed between his sons and wife. He knew things were bound to change while he was away but he did not expect his daughter to be burned from the family tree.

"Your father.... he had made a contract with Barrett Flint. Violetta was to be married to Marcus Flint, and she almost did marry him. She had her wedding dress on when she left the manor six months ago," Narcissa explained in quiet whispers.

Lucius had no idea that his daughter had nearly walked down the aisle. He didn't know that she was no longer part of the family, nor that it had been six months since Narcissa had last seen her daughter.

"She's in love with a woman," said Narcissa.

When Lucius heard the real reason why Violetta left and got disowned made him consider that he had indeed lost his mind, that he was still still in Azkaban and was just hallucinating everything. However, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

Violetta had never shown any real interest towards boys and relationships which always made Lucius very pleased. He knew it was a cliché to be an overprotective father, especially over one's daughter but he couldn't help it.

"I don't know who she is," Narcissa added quickly, knowing that her husband was going to want to know who this secret woman his daughter is in love is.

Lucius nodded apprehensively before leaning his elbows against his knees. He looked at his wife, then at his sons and sighed heavily.

"I presume you boys knew," he said, almost hiding a smile.

He has always appreciated that his children were close with each other.

Regulus and Draco nodded.

"I am going to fix this. I'm going to make my father take it all back," Lucius reached for Narcissa's hand. "Abraxas might still be the head of this family but I am Violetta's father. I do have some power over my children's lives."

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