None of the harem noticed her new accessory and they arrived to a ballroom already bustling with activity. The room wasn't clearly segregated but most of the humans seemed to be mingling in one corner of the room around tables of appetizers. No one was yet dancing but a group of musicians had joined the piano on the small stage and quietly tuned their instruments while they waited for their cue. Vampires chatted throughout the room, some of their pets at their sides with collars fastened around their necks. Most were not functional, just symbolic. One female pet even wore a collar of silver inlaid with precious stones. Her leash was a long and slender chain, easy to break if she wished to escape. But she seemed utterly content at her mistress' side, wearing a sleek ruby dress that complimented the gown of her companion.

Lark was again surprised and disturbed by the scene. It was such a display of opulence, yet so many of the guests were captives. But these captives were largely happy, even proud of their status. Only a few were openly miserable. The harem crossed to the group of mingling humans as their master had not arrived. Lark kept to herself, only introducing herself politely to the others before isolating herself to consider her options. When she had asked Ariane how long they would be expected to stay, she had quickly quieted her.

"Until we are instructed to leave!" she had exclaimed, as if horrified that Lark may want to leave. Lark was aware that the master was often away and that events like these were rare. Of course the other girls were thrilled. She kept to herself as the band began the first song and vampires spun onto the dance floor in a waltz. A few humans joined them to dance with one another. Very few vampire and human couples formed but some masters did entertain their pets with a dance. The room seemed full of life and genuine happiness. Lark was entranced. But she stayed hidden in the group of humans, trying desperately to diminish herself. Lord August had arrived and was mingling with some of the harem girls and his friends at the front of the room. He searched the ballroom with his dark eyes, but Lark tactfully avoided him. She couldn't be sure he was looking for her, but her stomach was in knots as she snuck from the ballroom and onto the spacious balcony.

Much to her displeasure she was spotted. August followed her, crossing the ballroom at startling speed. As Lark leaned over the railing, gazing out into the moonlit courtyard, he appeared at her side as if from nowhere. She was startled but maintained her composure, dipping into a curtsy.

"My lord," she greeted him. He didn't respond at first but just studied her face closely as if trying to read her thoughts. She blushed and he turned away.

"Lark," he replied. He bowed his head and followed her eyes to the center of the courtyard where a marble statue stood surrounded by a bed of white roses. They seemed to glow in the moonlight. Lark seemed transfixed by the scene, though she truly just didn't know what to say. The lord reached out a tentative hand and twisted her necklace in his fingers. Lark managed not to flinch despite her fear.

"Do you like it?" August asked softly. Lark nodded.

"It is lovely," she responded. "How could I not appreciate it?"

August shook his head slowly.

"But do you like it?" Lark raised her eyes to meet his. She had failed to avoid a direct reply.

"I do, my lord," she said after a moment. It was the truth. She had loved the necklace since she had first laid eyes on it. It suited her perfectly. He seemed satisfied, even smiling at her. His face was even more beautiful as the smile reached his black eyes. They suddenly seemed much less threatening. As Lark felt her guard slip, she smiled back. But within moments her anxiety had returned and the smile fell away in the dark.

He noticed but said nothing, choosing instead to change the subject.

"Vayn will take the girls into the village tomorrow for recreation. Do you plan to join them?" he asked casually. Lark attempted to hide her excitement.

"I did not know such a visit had been planned, my lord," she replied, her face downcast. "I would like to accompany them." She had not yet been granted such privileges. Madame Fawst and the other women had not revealed that they ever visited the village. None of them had lived in the small settlement, so they had no connections to the community. But Lark was familiar with the place she had loved since infancy. It would be the perfect opportunity to flee.

"I will inform Madame Fawst that you wish to go," August assured her. Lark grasped his hand impulsively, holding it to her chest.

"Thank you, my lord," she exclaimed. But as she realized what she had done, she dropped his hand and took a step back, bowing her head in embarrassment. "I miss my brothers and sisters," she explained.

August laughed and the reaction surprised Lark, who gave him an incredulous look. His face was lit up, becoming more handsome as he smiled widely. She felt her face burning.

"Well then you must see them," he insisted, trying to stifle his laughter. "I will see you when you return." He lifted one of her hands to his lips and kissed it before bowing and returning to the ballroom. Lark's hand hung in the air where he had released it. She felt a strange sensation where his lips had touched her. Her skin was warm and she felt a jolt run through her body. Her reaction was confusing and she shook off the strange feeling with a look of disgust. She followed him inside and disappeared once again in the group of humans. Though she couldn't see him, she could feel August searching for her throughout the night.

She wondered if he always behaved like this towards new girls, as if they were an oddity or a new toy. She felt intrigued by him. He was so different than what she had imagined. But it didn't matter. She would be gone tomorrow. She avoided dancing that evening, moving at a leisurely pace around the ballroom until the hour was late and the party was finally ended. Feeling lighter than she had in many days, she settled into bed and dreamt of freedom.

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