mid-afternoon fight

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This is boring.

I'm moving; intertwining between the layers of students and walking directly into the battle. As I step into the open area, I feel the awestruck stares of students attach onto my assertive strides.

Eren's in his own world, fixated on ruining the boy who is at my left.

As I reach the centre, now standing between the two, Eren's fist whips through the air to lay into the boy.

I clasp it mid-punch with my right hand, stopping Eren's momentum as I stare forward. The entire chanting audience goes dead silent.

In a painfully slow motion, I drop Eren's hand and turn to meet his face. A mixture of shock and annoyance laced within his defined features. It is annoying how pretty he is.

"You were in my way," I speak with a blank face.

He says nothing, still keeping his intense aura. I turn back, eyes glued to the entrance doors.

I've only taken a few steps forward before Eren yells out to me, "Fucking bitch!"

"Yeah, yeah," I wave off, still advancing forward. He's trying to get a rise out of me, determined to get his fight victory for the day.

"No wonder your parents never fucking wanted you!"

I stop mid-step. This hit different coming from someone who grew up alongside my family, who knew of my young parents' age.

"You think your parents actually wanted to have a child when they were teens?" Eren shouts back, "Their lives would have been so much better off without you."

Well, yeah.

He continues, "You're a fucking accident, Bella. No one fucking wanted you here!"

I turn slowly. My heartbeat starts racing and limbs go warm.

"Looking at you now, I bet all your mommy and daddy can think about is what a fucking mistake they made with you. I mean, look at you, really."

I start pacing towards him and his stupid maniacal smirk that flashes across his face, gradually forming into a pearly-white smile.

The space between us closes in, only a foot in between. Adrenaline bursts into my veins and I feel thrilled looking into his manipulative face.

Holding the same smile, he enunciates, "Bella, you are a–"

An echoing smack reverberates through the thin air as my fist collides with the thick skin of his temple.

The brute force of my punch causes Eren to take four steps back before falling into a running Jean's arms. Blood swiftly leaks from the side of Eren's head, now red and puffy. I stare down at my fist with all the rings still intact, a few cuts dribble the red liquid from where my own rings cut me upon the hit.

Glancing back up, I lock eyes with Jean's startled expression. The more I look around, the more I see that everyone's expression is astonished. All eyes racing back and forth between Eren's barely conscious state and my own stable stance. I take in the situation, look up into the sky and respond with the only thing I'm capable of doing, laughing.

Of course, this only causes the crowd to produce an even more confused reaction, exchanging murmurs at my performance.

Taking in a deep breath of fresh air as the laughter dissipates, I adjust my helmet to sit at my hip and turn back toward the entrance with a goofy smile on my face.

Once I've made it to the entrance, I notice Mikasa in her gothic adorned outfit standing with arms crossed.

"Are we still on for this afternoon?" I ask, noticing how her eyes remain locked to the students disappearing one by one outside.

all i ever knew (eren jaeger x fem!oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ