Connor would know.

I just had to get to Chargers. I placed Chargers' address in the GPS app on my phone and hit 'route'. Take the nearest left, Blake.

So I accelerated forward, right over the grass that had my ass imprints on it from my meltdown. But then he caught my eye. Antonio and Jenna rushed out of the house shouting, but I could only look through my rearview mirror at them chasing my car. Antonio had his phone to his ear, Jenna rushing after me in panic.

I'm sorry I left you. I need to find him first, then I'll apologize to your face.

A sharp turn was made onto the oil road by me, a shriek left my mouth. Hit the brakes as you turn, Blake you dumbass. You're gonna blow your tires.

I watched the upcoming oil road be long and straight, however, the road itself was in half bad condition. A few pot holes I would have to avoid along the way, but as long as I don't go too fast and I stay on my side of the road, I should be fine.

Breath, Blake. Breath.

I didn't dare turn on the music. I heard it was a distractor and with my lack of experience... and license... I'd be dead before I reached him.

I followed the directions all the way to Chargers. It took me about an hour of solid driving, my heart rate being through the roof the entire time I'm behind the wheel, but when I get into the familiar streets of my university, I begin to relax knowing I'm one step closer to him.

I'm one step closer to finding Harry.

The second I pull into the parking spot outside of Chargers, I throw my stolen vehicle in park and rush through the doors in the back. We rarely keep them locked through the day, usually Connor just forgets to lock it behind him when he comes in to do paper work.

Harry mentioned that the owner of the club helps Jason launder money, and uses Harry as bait, so any employee high up on the management staff could be working for him.

Connor has never given me any reason not to trust him, or gave me an off feeling, so I doubt that he's working for Jason or the owner in any way. But I'm sure there's a way for Connor to contact the owner and get me the warehouse address from him.

I rushed right into Connor's office without a knock, and there I found him, sitting in his chair on his desk. He didn't even jump at my intrusion. He was just slumped over his paperwork, pencils and pens scattered round.

"Con?" I called before stepping further into the room.

No answer.

This was strange.

I stepped a little closer, no movement came from my manager. He just kept his hand on the desk and his head hunched over. Maybe he just fell asleep doing work.

I placed my hand gently on his shoulder to shake him awake, but the second my hand shook him, his head rolled to the side and I screamed.

His face, covered in cuts, along with his shirt red with blood on the front. I stumbled back into the nearest counter and gasped for air at the shock. Another scream left my body as his arm fell to his side and the chair rolled at the movements making his dead body face me fully. In horror I reached for my phone to call the police, but then it happened.

A large hand covered my mouth, pulling me backwards into a chest. A sob left my mouth as I screamed, tears started to streamed down my face as I thrashed around. The other hand wrapped around my waist holding me impossibly still, with more strength than Antonio could've ever imagined using. I tried everything, kicking, throwing my fists, clawing, jumping, but nothing. It was like he was made of steel. I didn't even know who he was or what he looked like.

The only thing my eyes could see was Connor's lifeless body and I felt like I was being forced to look at it. My tears ran over this man's hand as he still covered my mouth. He left my nose to keep me breathing I supposed.

How kind.

I wish Harry was here right now.

I could hear his deep breaths coming from behind me and fanning against my ear. I cringed away as much as I could with his restrictive hold on me. I watched in front of me as a man stepped into my line of sight. He was tall, he wore a suit that was clean, he had dark hair and dark eyes.

"Hello sweetheart. We have been waiting for you." He said with a smirk that left chills running down my body, and not in a good way. I tried to reply but the other man's hand was still clamped tightly over my mouth.

"Let her mouth free, Ryder. However, if you scream my dear, I will punish you."

"Who are you?" I gasped out as the man, who I suppose is Ryder, realized his hand from my skin. His hands would surely leave a bruise in my skin, but his arms now held tightly around my body. One across my chest, squeezing my breasts against my collar bones and then another across the width of my hips. Very dangerous and specific places for a very sick and twisted man to touch.

"I'm Micheal, sweetheart. Your boss." He deadpans, another cynical smirk crossing his face. It was almost identical to the one Jason always has etched on his face.

"What do you mean boss? My boss is dead!" I said exasperatedly, my eyes flicking to the murder scene infront of me. An innocent man, killed.

"No, no, dear. I own this club. Welcome. Your bartending is excellent from what I have seen. You, however, tend to pick the wrong crowd to hang out with." The wrong crowd... Harry.

"Where is he?" I growled at him, my eyes going from fearful to now blazing with anger knowing he knows Harry's whereabouts and the state of his life right now.

"Oh dear Harry? He's plotting all of our murders I assume, but the warehouse has survelece on him, and he hasn't striked yet. I think he's going to need another motive to strike a bit faster."

He hasn't striked yet, but he's still alive. I breathe in a sigh of relief, but then all of Micheal's words register. He said Harry needed another motive. Was I the motive? Was it Mere or Anna?

"You bastard!" I shrieked, and I don't think the words even completely left my mouth before his hand made contact with my skin. My head flicked to the side at his strike across the face that can so quickly. I gasped in shock as he hit me, the stinging still on my cheek. It was also going to leave a mark. I tried to lift my hand in relex to touch the aching skin, but Ryder's arms only strengthened their grip.

"What did I say about your volume, sweetheart? Harry won't want his plaything all banged up now would he? Let's not make it twice now, alright?" He shook his head in a nod as he spoke condescendingly.

"Now here's what's going to happen. I'm going to tie you up, throw you in a car, kidnap you, and take you to the warehouse. Then I'll let Jason place you in position next to the other two little victims he has there, and then we will all get to watch the movie unfold on the big screen when Harry hears the news that you were taken."

I think I was going to be sick to my stomach the more he spoke. I don't think Ryder would want my vomit all over his polished shoes though. That might make the situation worse for me.

"It is unfortunate that you didn't stay at the safe house, now isn't it? But of course, we knew about that too. Grant isn't the only one who can hack, you know."

And then everything went black.

a/n: i wonder what's going to happen :(

quicker chapter, but im running low on sleep. the next chap should be out within a day or two, im feeling inspired and it's spring break.

the last few chaps will be very long, so pls be patient. I shouldn't be more than a week in between those chaps.

i love you all. thank you for 245k!!

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