Twins and Sleep

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Atsumu opens the door slowly and tries not to make a sound so as not to wake up Osamu. He's always been a light sleeper.

He's still thinking about everything that happened in the last hours while taking his shoes off when a voice makes him stop.

"Where have ya been?"

Well shit.

"Couldn't sleep, y'know it's not new." The light turns on and he turns to look at his brother's bed, expecting to see him lying there, but all he's met with is white sheets, a comforter bundled up in the end, and an empty bed. He turns again and sees his brother sitting on the couch beside the window, looking up from his phone to look at his brother up and down. "Why are ya awake?"

"Woke up thirsty about an hour ago and saw ya weren't here. Was waitin' for ya. Where were ya?" He says then pops what Atsumu guesses it's popcorn in his mouth, waiting for an answer from his twin.

They're playin' the 'interrogate yer twin' game now huh? Well then.

"Stopped trying to sleep and got hungry so I went to look for a convenience store or somethin' that sold any food. Then walked around for a little until I got bored and came back here. Who are ya talking to?"

"Rin. He's been playing videogames and hasn't slept so I texted him. Is that a hickey?" He points his finger towards Atsumu.

"Huh?" Atsumu walks towards the mirror in the wall of the room until he's standing in front of it and it's able to see that there is, in fact, a hickey peeking out from his shirt's collar.

Fucking hell Koutarou.

He sees Osamu's reflection appear behind him before he feels his brother's chin resting in his shoulder. "You've been silent for too long, that's a million times yes. So, wanna tell me what happened?"

Does he?

Do I?

"... No?" Atsumu says, sounding more like he's asking instead of denying.

Atsumu stares at Osamu's unimpressed face in the mirror for ten seconds before groaning, shrugging his twin's head, walking towards his bed before sitting down on it and getting comfortable.

He looks up to find Osamu looking at him like he doesn't know what to do. "Well? What are ya waitin' for? Come here. It's not exactly a short story." Atsumu says impatiently.

"Oh." Osamu sits in front of him and looks at him expectantly.

Atsumu sighs before telling his brother everything from when he found the convenience store, to when he and Bokuto met, to when they drove to an arcade and played for 2 hours then visited the cats and he and Bokkun played 20 questions and everything else that happened that night without missing a single detail.


Everything except the sex part. He does not want to tell his brother about how that part went about. And he doubts Osamu would want to either way.

Once he finished telling the story, Osamu stays silent for a minute, seemingly trying to digest all that was told to him.

"Huh. So, yer telling me that ya met a random and 'hot' guy that is also a fuckin' excited puppy sometimes, asked him if ya could accompany him to his weekly 'trip' around the town. He said yes, took ya to the arcade, then both of ya visited this cat family and watched the stars on the rooftop of an old building, then he took ya to this place where ya had to walk through the woods to see the sunset, then went to the park near that place, kissed, then decided to go have sex in a motel and had this fuckin' angsty cliché conversation about how ya both knew ya couldn't be together now and he drove ya to the convenience store ya met in after a while, kissed goodbye and all of this happened in-" he starts counting on his fingers. "Twelve fuckin' hours?!"

Atsumu winces at the volume of Osamu's voice. "Stop screamin' scrub. And yes, half a day. So what?"

Osamu huffs. "So what, he says. So what?! Well, nothin' really. Just my fuckin' twin livin' a Wattpad story with a hopeful ending where he has this summer romance in less than a day ya fuckin' idiot, that's a lot."

Summer romanc-



Well damn.

"Oh, well, it's nothin'- no, I mean, it is somethin', it's a lot and it'll keep meaning a lot to me and all that. But it's not like I can do anythin' about it except hope we meet again when everything's easier and we're both available- if we both are, now can I?" he corrects himself after seeing Osamu frown at him.

He sees Osamu frown in thought for a while before he lays beside Atsumu and opens his arms.

"C'mere" he tells Atsumu, and the latter lays down with him after a few seconds, scooting closer until he can bury his face in Osamu's neck. He feels an arm circle his waist and a hand petting his hair, and the second he feels lips in his hair, he feels tears in his eyes and allows himself to cry a little.

Because no matter how long or little he has known Bokuto, he doesn't think he'll forget about him in a really long time, maybe never. And it may sound a little weird to someone else since he just met him hours ago.

But both Osamu and Atsumu know that once something or someone special happens in the blonde's life, it stays in both his mind and heart for the longest.

Osamu has referred Atsumu to other close friends of theirs as the personification of love because, no matter what, when he loves something, be it platonically, romantically or any other form of love, he makes sure you know it. Be it consciously or not.

Atsumu loves hard, that's not anything new to them.

And while he's not in love with Bokuto, he does love all of the moments he spent with him. Loves how good he made him feel. Pun intended and not. Loves how comfortable he himself felt around him, even if they had just met. And loves all the thoughts of them meeting in the future he had walking back here, even if the chance of it happening is small.

And both he and Osamu know that. So, the gray-haired keeps petting his brother's hair, feeling his shirt get wet with tears until the blonde's breath evens out and he falls asleep.

Only then does Osamu allows himself to fall asleep too.

the night we metМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя