Names and Sunrises

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"Does it matter if they're in another language?" Atsumu asks the other, sitting in the car while scrolling through his playlists.
"Not really, most of the time I listen to them too." He sends Atsumu a smile while turning on the car.

"Hm, I started listenin' to them because I wanted to beat my brother in learnin' languages." Atsumu says proudly, and he has a reason to, after all, he did learn more languages than 'Samu.

"And did you?"

"Hm? Did I what?"

The guy laughs. "Beat your brother in learning languages."

"Oh! Yeah, I learned English, kinda fluent, which I'm very proud of, I must add." He smiles smugly at that. "Also, learned enough Spanish to somewhat hold a conversation, and am currently learnin' French just because it sounds hot."

"What about your brother?"

"The idiot gave up the second he read the first word in Spanish. Said somethin' about being hungry, and when he came back, he didn't even glance at the textbook. Haven't seen 'im pick it up ever since then." Atsumu shrugs, remembering how that textbook it's still in the same corner Osamu left it months ago.

He gets distracted listening to the song currently playing on the radio - sweet from cigarettes after sex - while gazing outside the window.

Atsumu doesn't notice he's been muttering some of the lyrics until he hears Silver doing the same, and when he does notice, he stops to keep listening to the guy sing under his breath while looking at everything appear just to disappear again out of his sight.

After a few minutes, they get to a parking lot and Atsumu looks out of the window and around to see where they are while the silver-haired stops the car.

There's a park a few meters away from them, with benches scattered here and there, a playground, lots of space to walk, run and sit. A closed ice cream little shop, simple, but cute outside, and from what little he can see of the inside from where he's currently standing, a colorful but not overwhelming interior. Also, trees.

A lot of trees.

They get out of the car and Atsumu hears Silver mutter a quick "follow me", and he does. They walk towards the trees, and really, Atsumu should be worrying about why they're currently going into a mess of trees at night when no one's around to see if he gets killed.

You know, stranger danger and all that.

A mess of trees which currently looks like if he walks in there, he won't ever get out. Seriously, it's still a little dark, the sky a lighter blue but still dark enough for everything to be dark. It's scary. Kinda pretty, but scary. Pretty scary.


But he's sleep-deprived, still a little hungry, and honestly? He doesn't give a shit. If he gets killed then at least he'll die in a pretty place.

They keep walking straight ahead until they're in something that looks like a cliff? Mountain? Atsumu can't tell, that allows them to look at all the trees below them and the sky above them.

"C'mon, sit." Silver tells Atsumu from where he's already sitting in the grass. He sits next to him and they both take some of their snacks out of the plastic bags.

"How did ya even find this place? Don'tcha get, I don't know, lost sometimes here?"

"Not really, no. I did find this place while drunk, then tried to find it the next day and kept coming back. It's a nice place." He says with a little smile on his face.


"I guess it is a nice place. Have ya ever watched the sunrise or sunset here?"

The guy laughs. "What do you think we're doing here? Yes, I have, and you will too now!"


Wait... oh.


"Ohh, that's why." Atsumu drawls, then startles as he realizes how late it must be for them to watch the sunrise. "Wait, what time is it?"

The guy looks at the watch on his wrist. "5:15, so in like, five minutes we'll see the sunrise. It's very pretty from up here."

Wait, five?

Really? Just how long have they been outside?

The guy shifts in h-wait.

What was the guy's name?

"Hey, what did ya say yer name was?"

The guy smiles while still looking at the sunrise in front of them. "I was wondering when you'd ask. I didn't, and it's Bokuto, by the way. Bokuto Koutarou." And glances at Atsumu while still smiling before going back to looking ahead of them.

And just why did Atsumu's heart skip a bit when the guy- Bokuto looked at him?

He can't possibly like him, they literally met a few hours ago. And yeah, he's not gonna deny that Bokuto is very attractive, adorable, and quite close to his type.

Okay no, he's lying, he didn't even have a type before today but if he did it would definitely be Bokuto.

And yeah, he may have a little, very little crush but it's not nearly enough for him to be thinking so much about something and someone he's probably not gonna see after tod-

Atsumu startles when a hand holding an open cookie package appears in front of his face.

Bokuto laughs a little under his breath. "You look constipated." Then sends him what looks like a knowing smile. Which, shouldn't be there, since it's not possible for him to know what he was thinking...


No, not unless he was a mind reader and Atsumu is almost one-hundred percent sure Bokuto is not one.

The hand holding the package in his face shakes a little and Atsumu gets out of his mind for a second to take one.

"Hm, what are these?" Atsumu asked as he tasted the sweet but not much cookie.

"Like, the flavor?" He cocks his head to the side and Atsumu hums. "They're blueberry, I also have lime, strawberry, those are the best by the way, and mango."

"I didn't even know mango cookies existed. Are they any good?"

"They are! Really good actually." He says while grabbing a milk carton and passing it to Atsumu.

He mumbles his thanks then goes back to watching ahead of them. Both of them falling in a, surprisingly, very comfortable silence.

Atsumu's always liked to watch the sky at different times a day. He and Osamu would look at the sky while walking from home to school and vice versa, and Atsumu would sometimes sit by the window in their room and look at the sky.

He hasn't done it in a while though, doesn't even have a reason as to why not.

So it's nice. Really nice, both the company that Bokuto gives and being able to just sit there in comfortable silence watching the sunrise before they decide where to go next.

It's still kinda strange to him as to why he feels this calm and content with Bokuto around him, but he figures it's the kind of impression the guy gives off when being with someone else.

Wouldn't surprise him.

Or maybe it's more than that, his mind offers, but he quickly shuts down that thought.

The fact that they'll probably not see the other after they bid each other goodbye later today still doesn't sit right with Atsumu. He wants to be able to keep being in Bokuto's life, doesn't matter how.

But he also knows that probably wouldn't be the smartest thing they could do. So he just sits there and enjoys being able to be near him, at least for a few more hours.

"I'm Atsumu, by the way. Miya Atsumu."

He mumbles while both of them keep looking ahead.

And if he sees Bokuto smile through the corner of his eye, then no one will know but him.

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