Balconies and Wine

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When Atsumu decides to sit up in the bed after resting for a while, Bokuto is sitting out in the little balcony the rooms have, dressed in only the sweatpants he's been in the whole night. He seems lost in thought, eyes focused somewhere but as like he's not really there.

Atsumu stands up and reaches for his boxers and what he believes is Bokuto's shirt. He walks towards the mini-fridge in a corner of the room and takes the cheap wine Bokuto bought, as well as the little cups in one of the white plastic bags. He serves some of it in the cups and walks towards the balcony, where Bokuto stays lost in thought.

"Hi." Atsumu says quietly, opening the glass door and handing one of the cups to Bokuto before sitting in the chair in front of him, a little table separating them.

"Hey, thanks." Bokuto murmurs before taking a sip.

They've been sitting in silence for a while, gazing at the establishments that can be seen from where they are sitting on the balcony, both sipping the cheap wine served in plastic cups, waiting for the other to start the conversation they've been dreading to have because it means making everything feel more real.

It's Bokuto who works up the courage to ask first.

"We can't really do anything else besides part ways in a few hours, can we?" He says, looking like the thought of it pains him.

Wouldn't blame him if it did, Atsumu thinks.

"We could keep talking, and maybe it'd lead to something more. But the question here is, would it work? Like, with you leaving for Tokyo and me doin' my last year in Hyogo, then next year with me leavin' for college in another country?" Atsumu says, eyebrows raising, looking at Bokuto frown in thought.

"We wouldn't be the first couple to try it, but I don't think we could take all that time apart physically, I think. And we still have to get to know each other more, don't we?" Atsumu nods in response, pursing his lips.

They stay in silence for a few minutes, mulling the thought of not seeing each other after today.

"I do think we could meet each other again in the future, y'know? We could, but there's only a small chance of it actually happening." Atsumu feels his eyes sting before he blinks and the feeling disappears.

"There's nothing else we could do besides enjoy the time we have left, for now." Bokuto nods while saying this.

Atsumu giggles. "We're being really dramatic about all of this, don'tcha think? We could always just text each other." He looks at Bokuto, who's looking at him with the corner of his mouth curling up in a small smile.

"Yeah, we could. But would you be satisfied with just that?" He asks with a gentle knowing look.
And would he?

No, I wouldn't be.

Atsumu looks around again, taking a sip of his wine, and knows that Bokuto is doing the same, already knowing his answer.

He didn't have to say it out loud. They both knew they wouldn't be satisfied with just texting as friends, not after knowing how good having each other so close feels.

Atsumu knows he's going to feel terrible once he realizes he's not gonna see Bokuto once he gets out of the other's car, but he quickly decides it's better to not think about that yet.

That's a problem for future Atsumu.

Now, he'll just drink his cheap wine, look at the view around them and enjoy the quiet company Bokuto offers.

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