Parks and Motels

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They walk back through the woods a while after talking a little more while watching the sunset. Atsumu can see the parking lot from where he is, getting closer and closer while he keeps walking.
Somehow, around when they were still sitting watching the sunrise, their hands interlocked.

Atsumu still doesn't know who grabbed the other's hand first, and he thinks he prefers to not mull over the thought.

"Wanna go sit somewhere at the park?" Bokkun asks him.

Atsumu shortened his name at some point, he doesn't know which.

By the time Atsumu answers they're already standing in the parking lot and Bokuto has turned his head to look at him.

"Yeah. We still have snacks, right?" He nods at the plastic bag Bokuto is holding with his free hand.

"Mhm! We have apple juice, 2 packages of chips, both spicy, and cherry bubblegum." He counts, tilting his head to each side every time he mentions something, as they begin to walk towards where the park is.

They walk towards one of the benches and put the snacks there, both of them sitting on the grass below.

It's more comfortable.

They sit pressed together side by side and begin eating.


He wanted to give Atsumu a nickname too, apparently.

"Yeah?" Atsumu responds while sticking the straw in the juice carton and taking a sip.

"Why America?" He asks while looking at the playground in front of them.


What does he mean 'why Am-


Oh. That.

Atsumu hums. "I guess me and 'Samu always said we wanted to study somewhere out of here. To travel, I guess? Well- no. Not really. It's more like to see somethin' other than what we're used to, here in Japan."

"Have you guys explored here? Like, while growing up or something."

"Oh, no. We have only been to Tokyo and Osaka other than Hyogo. And yeah, we could just travel inside Japan, but it's different, y'know? Somehow it is, and studyin' abroad seemed like the best option. Then we could come back and explore the most we're able to in here."

"Is your brother going with you then?"


"We had a fight about that, y'know? 'Cause he's not going. Said to me like two months before our birthday that he wasn't gonna go to America with me, that he wanted to study and open a restaurant here, in Tokyo, maybe. And that the best way to do that, was by staying. Kinda felt like he was leavin' me, but after a week of not talkin' and him explainin' me things I understood his point more, I guess." Atsumu shrugs and takes another sip of his apple juice. "But we still plan to explore Japan once I'm back. Anyway, yer turn now." He turns to look at Bokuto, who's now looking at him confused.

"My turn?" he asks, tilting his head to the side a little, looking like a puppy.

Cute. So cute.

"Yep. Why Tokyo?"

"Oh. Well, I think I said something about a friend of mine and how I was probably gonna room with him?" Atsumu nods when Bokuto turns to him. "Well, I met him online, and then we found out our best friends knew each other, so the four of us met up there and got close." He pauses to chew on the plastic straw a little. "And he's also going to the same college as me if everything goes well but, either way, we'll study somewhere there and be roommates. I've always wanted to get to explore Tokyo more anyway."

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