"god, he's so handsome"

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It was 7:28 am in the morning, on a saturday. I woke up too early to my liking so I lay in bed 'till 9 am. I know, I'm lazy.

Eventually I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen. I called my mom's name but then I remembered that she went to her friends house. She'll probably be home by 8 pm.

I took some milk out of the fridge. Then also a bowl, spoon and the box of cereal out of the cupboard and went to sit at our table. I ate my breakfast and went to get dressed. I put on some mascara and did my eyeliner. I brushed my hair and teeth and put on my outfit for the day.

( something like this, if u don't like this u can picture something else of course )

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( something like this, if u don't like this u can picture something else of course )

I wanted a coffee and to be honest take some fresh air so I took my wallet, phone and keys and headed outside. I closed the door behind me and sat in my car. I have a very old, rusty car but i'm collecting money for a new one, probably second hands because money doesn't grow on trees, I've been told.

My dream car is definitely like those classic old, mustang vintage cars or just a simple jeep. Yes, i know. Everyone wants a jeep but come on they are very cool looking cars.

I started the car and went to the nearest coffee shop. I put on my playlist and sang to the song 'Somewhere Tonight by Beach House'. This song is one of the best songs I've heard. It's so calm and relaxing, it helps me.

"Pink and blue were dancing. 🎶 Empty floor, shadows lancing. 🎵 Somewhere in a ballroom, tonight. 🎶 Red and blue combination. 🎵 Old man finds elation. 🎶 Somewhere in a ballroom, tonight. 🎵 Love me, see what I see tonight. 🎶 Let us find elation. 🎵 Somewhere in a ballroom, tonight. 🎶 Nowhere on an ordinary night." I sang, feeling the song.

And then, out of nowhere, someone popped into my head. It was really out of the blue but while I was singing the song, I couldn't keep my mind of Matt. Yes, Matthew sturniolo. I was pink, he was blue. It was weird, but I didn't think much of it so I went on with my day. Lot's of people pop into someone's mind, right?

I arrived at the coffee shop and asked for my usual, a simple vanille latte with some raspberries. I love that drink. It's easy and delicious, can't go wrong with that, right? I drank my latte outside the shop. There was this little balcony, where you can sit. When I finished my latte I went back home. It was 11:37 am when I got home so I texted the groupchat to see if someone wants to hangout.


the only cool kids + bernard
saturday 11:40 am


nicky boy
hey, what's up

you guys wanna hang out?

my bibi
hi babes
fuck, I can't

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