Day 181 Greenie

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Laying in my hammock I slowly wake up from the sun shining on my face, another day just like yesterday. I go over everyone in my head again: Chuck; brave enough to sacrifice himself for me, Alby; who I promised to get to rest out of the maze, Winston; who laid down his life to save us, Teresa; who I always cared for and in the end did the right thing, and Newt; my best friend. 

I get up and go to the kitchen where Frypan is cooking breakfast, I quickly eat and then walk towards the beach. Looking out over the ocean helps me to calm my mind and puts me in a good mood. After about ten minutes I make my way to the fields, which are in the middle of the island. We usually start early so we don't have to work during the hottest part of the day. The others are already working so I quickly grab a rake and start working on one of the fields. Even though I hate the repetition of the days, doing this work allows me to lose track of time and forget about everything for a moment. A few hours go by without me noticing, I work and enjoy the emptiness in my head. 

"Hey Greenie, time for lunch" I woke up from my concentrated state of mind to see Gally waiting for me. Do I trust him, no. But he has done his best to make things up since we met at the last city months ago, so I try my best to be nice to him. I walk back to the kitchen together with Gally, he looks at me a few times and I feel that he tries to start a conversation but doesn't really know how. We walk in silence for a little longer until he finds a subject to start on "I thought that tonight we might throw a memorial, since it has been 6 months since we arrived" I look at him and nod. "So do you still think much about them?" I stare into the distance and remain silent "about her?". This remark makes me turn my head and look straight into his eyes, then I start talking. "I do, every day. But not just her, all of them." 

We arrive at the kitchen and we grab something to eat, on the menu today is bread, vegetables and fresh caught fish. Not that I really care, I eat because I have to but nothing tasted the way it is supposed to. My mind drifts off to the one time we ate after we escaped from the maze, we ate, we laughed and in that moment we thought we were completely safe. That is one of my happiest memories, and I cherish that moment. 

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